Saturday, March 20, 2010

Discount Track Spikes

So now it is

again to the point that I am just itching to have to write everything again. And just as it was the last time the case, it is to write either the reason that it feels incredibly good, or it just a badly. In contrast to the earlier writings, it should go, and I very much the main reason is one of just makes me sad.

A week ago I had my last working day of Coface in Mainz.

In Sebastian I'm on 02/01/2010 pulled Kraiburg am Inn (Bayern). And Zack, I have my life back again to 500 km laid. In itself, indeed a beautiful thing. Especially since I had since no longer own apartment in Mainz and I was really happy at all to something new.

New Everything:

New area - very quiet: o)

New apartment - 110 sqm

New work - even as a department head

Actually, everything great.


now it's up to my parents and grandparents of 915 km.

Thus So we come to my main motive here once again to write down everything:

Just in time for my final move came the call from my parents that my grandmother had come to the hospital because she was to undergo surgery. No big deal. So far so good. Everything went smoothly - the Omi back to the home Opi.

go a few days later, Omi back to the doctor, which she sent to hospital with suspected thrombosis. The hospital Omi sent back home by saying they have nothing. The next day Grandma goes back to the doctor so. The doctor sends Omi now in another hospital. Omi is kept in the hospital, so that cured thrombosis can be. 2 days later - today - I get the call from my Dad who told me that Grandma probably has a tumor and this has probably already spread - as it looks.

Omi is now more properly the next day, take a close look so you can help her and tidy notes for what she has now actually.

And now we come to the question of conscience.

I just leave remaining before I start in the new company.

must prepare myself properly on my new job.

Will take at least half a year holiday.

Did my grandparents for the last time on 1 Advent seen.

What now?

Go there to 900 km although I can change anything anyway?

But who knows what comes next? And now I still have the opportunity to drive high.

'm somewhat stumped.

Next door in the living room sits Sebastian and looks to the children (Hanna, Aisha and Selina) film.

Everything seems like it should.

Aber ich habe das Gefühl, dass alles Glück was ich gerade habe und erhalte bei anderen einbricht.




Und ist das Leben wirklich so berechnend im Gegensatz des Gegenübers?


Warum scheint es so, also wäre einem ein reines Glück nicht vergönnt?


Und wer kann mir Antwort darauf geben?


Heute Morgen habe ich noch rumgezickt, weil ich der Meinung war, dass sich Sebastian nicht genug um mich kümmert im Bett. And now I belächle myself, because I believe the other hand, my family and myself how I could put the priorities in my life and stuff? Why me such invalidity appears suddenly so important, but where I seem to have just everything I ever wanted. Actually, I should be happy. Actually.

Actually, I should have had an incredibly happy day my father came to the call.

Actually, we should now have 20 degrees. The best day of the week. And in fact it was cloudy, cool and disgusting.

us, is there perhaps someone?

My personal guess is yes, it really is anyone out there.

No God in the true sense.

Someone of you has even been close. Someone who knows you. The means well with you. Someone who has gone from one to the left is no longer to watch out from above you and watch over you.

A very personal guardian angel so to speak. Can it be?

I think it is with me my grandpa.

The Opi, the has always been my career to one side. Has enabled me everything - even the most professional large jump where I myself was always amazed that these jumps in me.

Why is my life just so perfect and I feel so bad to my family? Why?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ap Bio Lab 4 Responses

on Friday

My Palm Pre bargain of the weekend is probably on Friday. Am very excited about the device and webOS 1.4.
faith aber nicht das der Pre mein iPhone ersetzen könnte.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Building An Outboard Motor Stand

BlogPress for iPhone review

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location: Heilbronner Straße,Stuttgart,Germany

Monday, March 15, 2010

Post Menapausal Running Bleeding

iTunes media market action: 2x15 € for 20 €

Es gibt wieder eine neue MediaMarkt Aktion für iTunes Karten.

2x 15 € iTunes Karten für 20€

.... bin dann mal eben bei MM .....

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mercury Optimax 150 To 175 Upgrade

"WD's My Passport Studio wears contents on its sleeve with always-on 'e-label'

  Western Digital's My Passport Studio line has been spinning for years now , but today the outfit is pushing out a revamped version with a little something special. Boasting a FireWire 800 interface, a highly pocketable design and 256-bit hardware-based encryption, this here drive offers an "e-label smart display" on the front that actually remains on even when the drive is off and unplugged. Owners can tweak the text on the display as often as they like via WD 's SmartWare software, and by utilizing e-paper technology, you'll always be able to see what's inside at a glance. Just so you're aware, the company's shipping this thing in 320GB, 500GB and 640GB flavors, but all three come pre-formatted for Mac use -- thankfully your Windows 7 rig won't have any issues wiping that slate clean and starting over once you hand over your $149.99 to $199.99.


This article came from the Engadget iPhone App, Which features everything from the latest smartphone news, to reviews and hands-on looks at laptops, HDTVs, gaming, and more. To learn more about the app or download it go here:

..:: send by my mobile::. .