Date with the male Sweety
He was there.
the entire weekend.
It was a great weekend - even if very irritating.
It was great how he kept me in the arm added. As we kissed.
As we were silent, talked and laughed.
After I had previously brought to the station, I went to M..
It was the week in Kaiserslautern.
And she has analyzed me.
funny it was, as she has done it.
The bad feeling following the weekend or just a chance?
After the conversation I was convinced that I had not yet spent the weekend with the man I would marry.
And now?
just phoned us. Once again, determined that we feel totally equal.
Where's the tingle?
And why do we always think of stupid - We make everything so difficult?
We do not know ... both
And I'm now no further thought. 'll Wait and see.
Sylvester we spend together before. With his friends. If one does when one is not sure whether you have a half or whole fish on its side? ;-) Well
. Wait and see!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
What Means Upper Retroperitoneal Adenopathy
he + me = us!? Wait and look about it, what is there ...!
Yes, I'm still awake. Actually, I should sleep
But I'm so mad at tomorrow that I just relax and not be tired, it goes to the land of dreams to escape.
morning (Friday) at 20:40 he is in Mainz.
And then we have a whole weekend just for us.
He and I and
Come to think no further than the station. My thoughts are all about play-bye, can take in the arm from kissing, is to sense smell.
Actually I wanted to plan the whole weekend or less. But anyway ... yes
power anything.
be spontaneous is always much better and more fun anyway;)))
I'm so happy. And I'm so incredibly on him that it can not be put into words.
Whoever watches over me always there and everything else can be done as it happens ... Please make that the next 19 hours and 35 minutes fly by quickly;)
work tomorrow, clean, make me pretty, to the cat and then off to the station! GEIL GEIL GEIL
! Thanks
2007 - You are a horny year!
Yes, I'm still awake. Actually, I should sleep
But I'm so mad at tomorrow that I just relax and not be tired, it goes to the land of dreams to escape.
morning (Friday) at 20:40 he is in Mainz.
And then we have a whole weekend just for us.
He and I and
Come to think no further than the station. My thoughts are all about play-bye, can take in the arm from kissing, is to sense smell.
Actually I wanted to plan the whole weekend or less. But anyway ... yes
power anything.
be spontaneous is always much better and more fun anyway;)))
I'm so happy. And I'm so incredibly on him that it can not be put into words.
Whoever watches over me always there and everything else can be done as it happens ... Please make that the next 19 hours and 35 minutes fly by quickly;)
work tomorrow, clean, make me pretty, to the cat and then off to the station! GEIL GEIL GEIL
! Thanks
2007 - You are a horny year!
Reasons Of Black Stool
"Will you apply, make up rare!" or "I, that sweet little asshole"
Since Sunday, my little Felix has finally winter tires on it. About time.
is far too dangerous usual
And on Sunday it was also exactly a year since I had my accident.
And have my hard spot below the knee I still. What to you do but nothing more. Would be even better;)
After I had written opinion on the show I never go back one of them. Neither the prosecution nor the police.
But I'd rather not ask for - even before I wake sleeping dogs.
Car Pictures will follow when I'm home;)
So. Back to 11/18/2007!
To put it briefly. I ended up with Chris in bed.
`s also not surprising?
I do not really - I must confess. The summer romance is over. Definiv. But if we are to see us the exceptions where it is easy to allow only female (human) drives to follow. At least not yet.
I'm still free.
At least as halfway
And Chris - oh what interests me if his girlfriend cheating? If I am not, it is another. And so is the date that way. So - do not worry - but to act. Finally, I'm just a woman. And I know what I have in him, at least in bed;)
Yesterday I was back to English. Accordingly, a predictable reunion with S (once a week anyway I always got calls and SMS).
It's just really so:
Do you apply, make up rare!
It just - and this can probably confirm, at least any female readers.
Whenever you do not want to get the men.
My colleague (Not the one who goes to Switzerland) shows me since this week more than just offensive that he would like more than "only" as a colleague.
And I want it?
Fine thanks. Why am I and why now?
I will return to an asshole. To a friendly asshole of course.
One week - two men - two rebuffs.
The relatively clear (after repeated attempts to say it with flowers), the other still flowery (but tending to the effect that I no later than early next week is bad, if he has still not understood).
I will not be an asshole!
Schließlich mag ich es auch nicht, wenn man bei mir Arsch ist (na ja – bis auf Ausnahmen, wo Männer die Befugnis haben „Arsch“ zu sein) ;))
Nur noch einmal schlafen und ich bin wieder voll und ganz glücklich!
Eine Nacht.
Einen Tag arbeiten.
Und dann...
Achja... Ich träum noch ein wenig vor mich hin ;)
Seit Samstag sind die Haare wieder ab. Und Sie werden immer kürzer. Aber noch ist es ok.
Solange überhaupt noch welche da sind ;)
Montag war ich mit meiner Tante zusammen Mittag essen. Sehr angenehm. Sehr lustig. Sehr gut! Manchmal denk ich mir, da ist was schiefgegangen. In mancher Hinsicht passen wir einfach nicht unsere Familie ;)
Nächsten Freitag sind dann alle bei mir versammelt.
Mama und Papa.
Tante und Onkel. Cousine, Cousin, Freund von der Cousine und Cousin meines Cousins.
Andere Tante (mit der ich mich Montag zum Mittag getroffen habe), 2. Cousine und Oma.
Um die Familie zu vervollständigen fehlen nur noch meine Oma und mein Opa aus dem Norden und mein kleines geliebtes Brüderchen, dass man seit kurzem mit nem Führersein und nem Auto auf die Menschheit losgelassen hat.
Um es auf den Punkt zu bringen:
Wir sind mit 12 Leuten auf 40 qm!
Die ganze Wohnung sind 40 qm. Ich will gar nicht wissen wie viel nur das Wohnzimmer hat.
Zumindest wird es kuschelig. Dagegen one can not say anything. The favorite
parents stay until Saturday afternoon and arrive on Thursday.
2 days I have my parents just for me!
underlines once again the beautiful my Christmas spirit.
The world is beautiful.
My life is beautiful!
And the very first Christmas!
I wish you many nice Christmas feeling.
- jumps
PS: Games still enthusiastically Sudoku! God, am I boring;)))
PS2: Today I bought new earrings. But have so nen Tick earrings.
pictures will follow when I'm home!
Since Sunday, my little Felix has finally winter tires on it. About time.
is far too dangerous usual
And on Sunday it was also exactly a year since I had my accident.
And have my hard spot below the knee I still. What to you do but nothing more. Would be even better;)
After I had written opinion on the show I never go back one of them. Neither the prosecution nor the police.
But I'd rather not ask for - even before I wake sleeping dogs.
Car Pictures will follow when I'm home;)
So. Back to 11/18/2007!
To put it briefly. I ended up with Chris in bed.
`s also not surprising?
I do not really - I must confess. The summer romance is over. Definiv. But if we are to see us the exceptions where it is easy to allow only female (human) drives to follow. At least not yet.
I'm still free.
At least as halfway
And Chris - oh what interests me if his girlfriend cheating? If I am not, it is another. And so is the date that way. So - do not worry - but to act. Finally, I'm just a woman. And I know what I have in him, at least in bed;)
Yesterday I was back to English. Accordingly, a predictable reunion with S (once a week anyway I always got calls and SMS).
It's just really so:
Do you apply, make up rare!
It just - and this can probably confirm, at least any female readers.
Whenever you do not want to get the men.
My colleague (Not the one who goes to Switzerland) shows me since this week more than just offensive that he would like more than "only" as a colleague.
And I want it?
Fine thanks. Why am I and why now?
I will return to an asshole. To a friendly asshole of course.
One week - two men - two rebuffs.
The relatively clear (after repeated attempts to say it with flowers), the other still flowery (but tending to the effect that I no later than early next week is bad, if he has still not understood).
I will not be an asshole!
Schließlich mag ich es auch nicht, wenn man bei mir Arsch ist (na ja – bis auf Ausnahmen, wo Männer die Befugnis haben „Arsch“ zu sein) ;))
Nur noch einmal schlafen und ich bin wieder voll und ganz glücklich!
Eine Nacht.
Einen Tag arbeiten.
Und dann...
Achja... Ich träum noch ein wenig vor mich hin ;)
Seit Samstag sind die Haare wieder ab. Und Sie werden immer kürzer. Aber noch ist es ok.
Solange überhaupt noch welche da sind ;)
Montag war ich mit meiner Tante zusammen Mittag essen. Sehr angenehm. Sehr lustig. Sehr gut! Manchmal denk ich mir, da ist was schiefgegangen. In mancher Hinsicht passen wir einfach nicht unsere Familie ;)
Nächsten Freitag sind dann alle bei mir versammelt.
Mama und Papa.
Tante und Onkel. Cousine, Cousin, Freund von der Cousine und Cousin meines Cousins.
Andere Tante (mit der ich mich Montag zum Mittag getroffen habe), 2. Cousine und Oma.
Um die Familie zu vervollständigen fehlen nur noch meine Oma und mein Opa aus dem Norden und mein kleines geliebtes Brüderchen, dass man seit kurzem mit nem Führersein und nem Auto auf die Menschheit losgelassen hat.
Um es auf den Punkt zu bringen:
Wir sind mit 12 Leuten auf 40 qm!
Die ganze Wohnung sind 40 qm. Ich will gar nicht wissen wie viel nur das Wohnzimmer hat.
Zumindest wird es kuschelig. Dagegen one can not say anything. The favorite
parents stay until Saturday afternoon and arrive on Thursday.
2 days I have my parents just for me!
underlines once again the beautiful my Christmas spirit.
The world is beautiful.
My life is beautiful!
And the very first Christmas!
I wish you many nice Christmas feeling.
- jumps
PS: Games still enthusiastically Sudoku! God, am I boring;)))
PS2: Today I bought new earrings. But have so nen Tick earrings.
pictures will follow when I'm home!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Hybridization Of Clf2
A day full of laughter, tears follow ... (Omi `s words)
Donnerstag, 18 Uhr –
Und es geht mir außerordentlich gut.
Mit einem riesen Lächeln mache ich mich nach einem erfolgreichen Arbeitstag auf den Weg zu meinem Auto, sammel meinen ehemaligen Tanzfreund noch ein und mache mich mit ihm zusammen auf den Weg zu unserer Badmintonrunde.
Wir haben Spaß. Sau viel Spaß. Und so, wie es den ganzen Tag schon war, lache ich viel und mache albere mit meinen drei Männern herum, die ich hier unten gleich zu Beginn kennen gelernt habe.
Wolle ist Mitte 30. Der charmante Kollege, mit dem man auch mal gern was trinken geht.
Wolle zieht in die Schweiz. Im Februar.
Wie gut, dass sie mir das erst nach 1 ½ Stunden mitgeteilt haben, so dass die Konzentration eh langsam nach lies.
Es stört mich nicht, dass er weggehen will. Schließlich war es nur eine Frage der Zeit möchte ich behaupten. Er ist so ein unruhiger Mensch, der hier eigentlich nur auf der Durchreise war. Ein lieber Mensch, der mir den Einstieg hier enorm erleichtert hat.
Und dennoch reißt es mir gerade an diesem Abend den Boden unter den Füßen weg.
So toll mein Hoch auch war so perfekt stecke ich an diesem Abend in meinem Tief.
Wieder geht jemand weg. Und wieder habe ich das Gefühl, dass ich gar nicht so schnell so tolle Menschen kennen lernen kann, wie sie wieder verschwinden.
Den Reise- und Entwicklungszwang I can understand though, managed not just to make myself clear that it is also perfectly "ok" is that I just want to be here. That it is right that I arrived here and it is absolute nonsense to think that I'm just still and do not get any further.
since 1 ½ years I am now almost in Wiesbaden.
has passed so fast. And mom. Think I am with what I want.
Will I stay here?
Or where I want to go?
How far do I let my surroundings, my fellow man, incorporated into my decision, and how good or bad is it?
I'm happy here. Point.
It is not always simple. But it would not find otherwise.
I build more and more.
The friendships are now more intense. I am relaxed.
Actually everything is great. Actually
Something in me wants to return "home".
I can not explain what it is exactly.
The longing for the friends to the old country, according to the Baltic Sea, according to my parents, grandparents? After seeing how my brother has developed? Then have breakfast in the morning sometimes with my parents and to be able to talk for hours! Then
evening with old friends just to go drinking and what you always tell what and to blaspheme had!
After that you have always felt at home!
But I was not happy with it.
I Could it be this time? Or would I miss something?
I think the train has left the old country. I would not find the connection. Would not be happy with my experience I have made, because no one could sympathize with me because no one would understand why I'm me.
I've been waiting that I may hear in the 1 to 2 weeks Lübeck stay as I have changed.
I just see the looks of my friends at that time regarding the dark lipstick. The blond hair aufgeföhnten.
I already know that there are a great find and the others will ask me how I come to me to dress and make up to me so where I have kept all but sooner rather mild.
shame that you can advance to believe it. Too bad that I now think "why we have so long to see? How come you have not noticed the development? And why do you dare me to say such things? Would I stand up and ask you why since you stopped? Why do I have to pull myself together and can not inspiring report from my job and my life? Why it has come that between We have moved more than 600 km? "
No, I do not just before. I also think about what it was.
I know these people and reactions.
I respected these people and loved. Do it today.
But I hate that I have made a development that does not understand these people understand it. I'm the one that has managed to break out of the old life and that I'm the one that has not been able to maintain a balance between old and new.
I digressed. But sometimes this must be.
I stay here. Basta.
I'm happy.
And the people come and go and is perfect normal in life.
not only in my;)
But sometimes one just has the feeling no one else does with what you own is going through;)
Anyway ...
tonight waiting a very sweet cat to me, which I will watch the next 1 ½ weeks. So there is someone there to cuddle me. If nothing is, I do not know;)
you all a nice evening and a nice start to the weekend!
- jumps
PS: my mom private records. based on positive events in my life. Sometimes missing one containing the words, because you can not believe his luck;)
Donnerstag, 18 Uhr –
Und es geht mir außerordentlich gut.
Mit einem riesen Lächeln mache ich mich nach einem erfolgreichen Arbeitstag auf den Weg zu meinem Auto, sammel meinen ehemaligen Tanzfreund noch ein und mache mich mit ihm zusammen auf den Weg zu unserer Badmintonrunde.
Wir haben Spaß. Sau viel Spaß. Und so, wie es den ganzen Tag schon war, lache ich viel und mache albere mit meinen drei Männern herum, die ich hier unten gleich zu Beginn kennen gelernt habe.
Wolle ist Mitte 30. Der charmante Kollege, mit dem man auch mal gern was trinken geht.
Wolle zieht in die Schweiz. Im Februar.
Wie gut, dass sie mir das erst nach 1 ½ Stunden mitgeteilt haben, so dass die Konzentration eh langsam nach lies.
Es stört mich nicht, dass er weggehen will. Schließlich war es nur eine Frage der Zeit möchte ich behaupten. Er ist so ein unruhiger Mensch, der hier eigentlich nur auf der Durchreise war. Ein lieber Mensch, der mir den Einstieg hier enorm erleichtert hat.
Und dennoch reißt es mir gerade an diesem Abend den Boden unter den Füßen weg.
So toll mein Hoch auch war so perfekt stecke ich an diesem Abend in meinem Tief.
Wieder geht jemand weg. Und wieder habe ich das Gefühl, dass ich gar nicht so schnell so tolle Menschen kennen lernen kann, wie sie wieder verschwinden.
Den Reise- und Entwicklungszwang I can understand though, managed not just to make myself clear that it is also perfectly "ok" is that I just want to be here. That it is right that I arrived here and it is absolute nonsense to think that I'm just still and do not get any further.
since 1 ½ years I am now almost in Wiesbaden.
has passed so fast. And mom. Think I am with what I want.
Will I stay here?
Or where I want to go?
How far do I let my surroundings, my fellow man, incorporated into my decision, and how good or bad is it?
I'm happy here. Point.
It is not always simple. But it would not find otherwise.
I build more and more.
The friendships are now more intense. I am relaxed.
Actually everything is great. Actually
Something in me wants to return "home".
I can not explain what it is exactly.
The longing for the friends to the old country, according to the Baltic Sea, according to my parents, grandparents? After seeing how my brother has developed? Then have breakfast in the morning sometimes with my parents and to be able to talk for hours! Then
evening with old friends just to go drinking and what you always tell what and to blaspheme had!
After that you have always felt at home!
But I was not happy with it.
I Could it be this time? Or would I miss something?
I think the train has left the old country. I would not find the connection. Would not be happy with my experience I have made, because no one could sympathize with me because no one would understand why I'm me.
I've been waiting that I may hear in the 1 to 2 weeks Lübeck stay as I have changed.
I just see the looks of my friends at that time regarding the dark lipstick. The blond hair aufgeföhnten.
I already know that there are a great find and the others will ask me how I come to me to dress and make up to me so where I have kept all but sooner rather mild.
shame that you can advance to believe it. Too bad that I now think "why we have so long to see? How come you have not noticed the development? And why do you dare me to say such things? Would I stand up and ask you why since you stopped? Why do I have to pull myself together and can not inspiring report from my job and my life? Why it has come that between We have moved more than 600 km? "
No, I do not just before. I also think about what it was.
I know these people and reactions.
I respected these people and loved. Do it today.
But I hate that I have made a development that does not understand these people understand it. I'm the one that has managed to break out of the old life and that I'm the one that has not been able to maintain a balance between old and new.
I digressed. But sometimes this must be.
I stay here. Basta.
I'm happy.
And the people come and go and is perfect normal in life.
not only in my;)
But sometimes one just has the feeling no one else does with what you own is going through;)
Anyway ...
tonight waiting a very sweet cat to me, which I will watch the next 1 ½ weeks. So there is someone there to cuddle me. If nothing is, I do not know;)
you all a nice evening and a nice start to the weekend!
- jumps
PS: my mom private records. based on positive events in my life. Sometimes missing one containing the words, because you can not believe his luck;)
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Lip Piercing Canker Sore
The (un) intentional attraction
Wednesday, 17:20 clock
The day is kind of exhausting. And somehow I got nothing done. Ridiculous situation - but good.
I am standing at 17:20 clock in front of my school my English class. A cigarette still needs to be - yes, I have once more become weak (but somehow I will still have to Non smoking) ...
am I so. With a cigarette in minus 5 degree wind chill in the cold.
'm damn proud of my outfit today: black tights. Gray skirt to the knees. Black top and black wool jacket (as much of a jacket over it yet, so I do not freeze to death). Not to mention my new shoes in black, white, gray checkered. As I said, I like my outfit today ... Make-up sits well!
Here comes already
S. S and I have only met here in the course. And come into contact, we are also only a week ago in a 5-minute conversation in which I have invited him unwanted way to go with what I drink. At least it did seem.
began with the approach and quite quickly with the end of our conversation that we went into the classroom and later planned to go for a drink ...
Sometimes I'm so veiled naive to think that it hurts ...
We went durchgefröstelt in any pub. Talking, laughing, got to know us.
Due to the cold and by frozen hands moved his hand on my knee at some point ...
Very well. I can live with. Somehow;)
The man next to me does not even now necessarily bad. Quite the contrary ...
But in my current situation, from which he can not even imagine something that is simply inappropriate.
And where does it come suddenly, that the men will notice me again?
it really true that in certain life situations to other interesting acts simply more attractive than others?
Probably ...
see this I am mom. quite normal ...
Whatever. On the way to the car
S takes my hand. Woe to me for now. Am with my thoughts is clearly not present.
He wants to meet again Friday with me. Would like to go dancing with me ...
At his home in the living room, he tried to kiss me.
I do not know what to make of it.
It is all well to remember that the man interested me over just to inspire me, I can not because of my thoughts too much for it.
A few weeks ago I had not waited long and would be 100% landed him in bed.
A few weeks ago.
Today is today. And it has not happened.
at the door before I leave he gives me his number (due Friday) ...
Meanwhile, there is
Thursday afternoon and I have still not reported. Have a guilty conscience, but do not know what to say.
"Sorry that I do, great man had, yesterday rebuffed just leave it, even though you are such a nice and interesting guy"?
's see. I can think of already have a good idea. 'm Usually quite creative now and then assessed;)
I need to log in any case. I finally a couple of English lessons with him before me. And I would like to spend a pleasant atmosphere.
At 18:30 clock, I'm still friends with to play badminton agreed. I can only hope that I'm not too bad I have become.
My years in the badminton club are as yet has been a while ago;)
you a beautiful Thursday evening!
- jumps
Wednesday, 17:20 clock
The day is kind of exhausting. And somehow I got nothing done. Ridiculous situation - but good.
I am standing at 17:20 clock in front of my school my English class. A cigarette still needs to be - yes, I have once more become weak (but somehow I will still have to Non smoking) ...
am I so. With a cigarette in minus 5 degree wind chill in the cold.
'm damn proud of my outfit today: black tights. Gray skirt to the knees. Black top and black wool jacket (as much of a jacket over it yet, so I do not freeze to death). Not to mention my new shoes in black, white, gray checkered. As I said, I like my outfit today ... Make-up sits well!
Here comes already
S. S and I have only met here in the course. And come into contact, we are also only a week ago in a 5-minute conversation in which I have invited him unwanted way to go with what I drink. At least it did seem.
began with the approach and quite quickly with the end of our conversation that we went into the classroom and later planned to go for a drink ...
Sometimes I'm so veiled naive to think that it hurts ...
We went durchgefröstelt in any pub. Talking, laughing, got to know us.
Due to the cold and by frozen hands moved his hand on my knee at some point ...
Very well. I can live with. Somehow;)
The man next to me does not even now necessarily bad. Quite the contrary ...
But in my current situation, from which he can not even imagine something that is simply inappropriate.
And where does it come suddenly, that the men will notice me again?
it really true that in certain life situations to other interesting acts simply more attractive than others?
Probably ...
see this I am mom. quite normal ...
Whatever. On the way to the car
S takes my hand. Woe to me for now. Am with my thoughts is clearly not present.
He wants to meet again Friday with me. Would like to go dancing with me ...
At his home in the living room, he tried to kiss me.
I do not know what to make of it.
It is all well to remember that the man interested me over just to inspire me, I can not because of my thoughts too much for it.
A few weeks ago I had not waited long and would be 100% landed him in bed.
A few weeks ago.
Today is today. And it has not happened.
at the door before I leave he gives me his number (due Friday) ...
Meanwhile, there is
Thursday afternoon and I have still not reported. Have a guilty conscience, but do not know what to say.
"Sorry that I do, great man had, yesterday rebuffed just leave it, even though you are such a nice and interesting guy"?
's see. I can think of already have a good idea. 'm Usually quite creative now and then assessed;)
I need to log in any case. I finally a couple of English lessons with him before me. And I would like to spend a pleasant atmosphere.
At 18:30 clock, I'm still friends with to play badminton agreed. I can only hope that I'm not too bad I have become.
My years in the badminton club are as yet has been a while ago;)
you a beautiful Thursday evening!
- jumps
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Chronotherm Iv Plus Cooling?
What is logic? And when to take the illogical?
I met the man I am going to marry.
sound silly, but Sun
Sounds very stupid, I know. Even more if you know my entire diary ...
For weeks we talk every day. And I do mean every day. As far as it goes on for hours. And if it's not enough of anymore at all before going to sleep.
We met us on the web. On one side where I've driven around in about 6 years ago. In his profile is a statement "A man, sometimes dull sometimes sharp and full of ideas." If this is not an invitation to get rid of a spell.
over the letter we got to the phone.
the phone and we said how long and much. Weeks halt.
thought I have not much - we managed well understood.
Friday to Saturday night I had a tingling on the phone. A tingling sensation in a man I've ever seen.
How is this possible?
Since Thursday, we considered whether we meet at the weekend. And somehow we have always a point, found an excuse not to do it.
Saturday evening, I have I then simply put into the car and went to Duisburg.
I wanted to confront the man who could cause that. Wanted to see how it is when he faces me.
Would it cause a tingling sensation?
much as we talk then?
Can we laugh together?
Before, I was still walking with a friend and shopping. As I said. The decision to have my weekend was spontaneous!
in the pouring rain so I was now on the road in the northern part of the country.
God has stretched the car. But what you do not do anything?
I'll get him up at home, we go to a restaurant.
We laugh, we talk and something is there, which says "this is the man of your life." I can not explain what exactly it is. It is the whole nature of man. As he looks at me as he touched me. As he kisses me some time out for rain under the umbrella.
As he followed on the way to the car puts his arm around me. As he lay in bed in my arm ... will
are late to us. Take us to get ready to roll.
The first encounter with his father. Christina in the bathroom and the door handle move. Thought it was Daniel and open the door. Think again.
I'm glad to hear later that he his father while I was in the shower, told that I am there. So all embarrassed half. Learn
His siblings I know also all together.
I feel uncomfortable. This is all a bit too much for me. And can this man that afternoon not really improve more.
Both of us are complicated and chaotic. And we both belong to the people who fall that terrible Sunday afternoon blues are. That does not make it all better. Where the nice feeling is gone?
Was it?
Clock At 17 I'm about to go home - and I say to him. We decide that I'll stay. Take us some time. Give us more time.
Play Cards and then we again end up laughing on the bed.
The feeling is back. Everything is back to the night before that Sunday. And again I can not grasp what is happening there.
We are in his room and start to dance. Hug and kiss. And dancing ...
decide against 21 clock back I go home. Monday is at least one working again.
The departure of the car is not normal. Something else occurs to me simply not occur. We kiss and hug us. Over and over again.
Like a fresh pair of lovers. But we are not.
Actually, we do not know us. Or
in the car thinking is called for. Much thought. But what is the question. Actually, I let the last 20 hours and have to reminisce. Nothing more. I can not do everything.
I'm so overwhelmed. Shocked. Can not believe what all are to impressions that are there and continue to rain down on me geprasselt on me.
Also have still no idea what to really think.
This is the man of my life. But I am also the wife of his life?
he know what's happening there?
We still hear every day. Leave phone calls, SMS. Not too much nor too little.
Last night we spent together over time spoken. He
It has everything exactly as I saw. But can not explain what was going on in the afternoon with us. As you all can appreciate in all. And how much hineinfliest the afternoon in the whole incident.
We decide that it will spend 1 ½ weeks the weekend with me. Any family far and wide. Only he and I did.
Let's see if the perfect start can be repeated.
Whether it is really true that I met the man I would marry.
For the first time, since I write here I miss just the right words to the play, what was there. How it all happened. My head is still working. try to understand Am.
I'm looking forward to the weekend with him. I'm curious how it will go on with it.
I met the man I am going to marry.
sound silly, but Sun
Sounds very stupid, I know. Even more if you know my entire diary ...
For weeks we talk every day. And I do mean every day. As far as it goes on for hours. And if it's not enough of anymore at all before going to sleep.
We met us on the web. On one side where I've driven around in about 6 years ago. In his profile is a statement "A man, sometimes dull sometimes sharp and full of ideas." If this is not an invitation to get rid of a spell.
over the letter we got to the phone.
the phone and we said how long and much. Weeks halt.
thought I have not much - we managed well understood.
Friday to Saturday night I had a tingling on the phone. A tingling sensation in a man I've ever seen.
How is this possible?
Since Thursday, we considered whether we meet at the weekend. And somehow we have always a point, found an excuse not to do it.
Saturday evening, I have I then simply put into the car and went to Duisburg.
I wanted to confront the man who could cause that. Wanted to see how it is when he faces me.
Would it cause a tingling sensation?
much as we talk then?
Can we laugh together?
Before, I was still walking with a friend and shopping. As I said. The decision to have my weekend was spontaneous!
in the pouring rain so I was now on the road in the northern part of the country.
God has stretched the car. But what you do not do anything?
I'll get him up at home, we go to a restaurant.
We laugh, we talk and something is there, which says "this is the man of your life." I can not explain what exactly it is. It is the whole nature of man. As he looks at me as he touched me. As he kisses me some time out for rain under the umbrella.
As he followed on the way to the car puts his arm around me. As he lay in bed in my arm ... will
are late to us. Take us to get ready to roll.
The first encounter with his father. Christina in the bathroom and the door handle move. Thought it was Daniel and open the door. Think again.
I'm glad to hear later that he his father while I was in the shower, told that I am there. So all embarrassed half. Learn
His siblings I know also all together.
I feel uncomfortable. This is all a bit too much for me. And can this man that afternoon not really improve more.
Both of us are complicated and chaotic. And we both belong to the people who fall that terrible Sunday afternoon blues are. That does not make it all better. Where the nice feeling is gone?
Was it?
Clock At 17 I'm about to go home - and I say to him. We decide that I'll stay. Take us some time. Give us more time.
Play Cards and then we again end up laughing on the bed.
The feeling is back. Everything is back to the night before that Sunday. And again I can not grasp what is happening there.
We are in his room and start to dance. Hug and kiss. And dancing ...
decide against 21 clock back I go home. Monday is at least one working again.
The departure of the car is not normal. Something else occurs to me simply not occur. We kiss and hug us. Over and over again.
Like a fresh pair of lovers. But we are not.
Actually, we do not know us. Or
in the car thinking is called for. Much thought. But what is the question. Actually, I let the last 20 hours and have to reminisce. Nothing more. I can not do everything.
I'm so overwhelmed. Shocked. Can not believe what all are to impressions that are there and continue to rain down on me geprasselt on me.
Also have still no idea what to really think.
This is the man of my life. But I am also the wife of his life?
he know what's happening there?
We still hear every day. Leave phone calls, SMS. Not too much nor too little.
Last night we spent together over time spoken. He
It has everything exactly as I saw. But can not explain what was going on in the afternoon with us. As you all can appreciate in all. And how much hineinfliest the afternoon in the whole incident.
We decide that it will spend 1 ½ weeks the weekend with me. Any family far and wide. Only he and I did.
Let's see if the perfect start can be repeated.
Whether it is really true that I met the man I would marry.
For the first time, since I write here I miss just the right words to the play, what was there. How it all happened. My head is still working. try to understand Am.
I'm looking forward to the weekend with him. I'm curious how it will go on with it.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Bugatti Veyron Cooling Diagram
The man I married once ... The toothbrush
- I love my life!
-Cologne, etc. -> horny corner!
- I love my life!
-Cologne, etc. -> horny corner!
Friday, November 9, 2007
What Kind Of Bow Was Used Blade Trinity
learns to fly ... from the cup in the trash! The move
My 1st Christmas feeling picture;)
Last night I was brave!
I Have a sympathetic discharge is collected and then I just felt just fine.
The guy was holding me noticed while shopping in the metro. And after
he showed that he can laugh with a girl on the tousled hair, if they just min 20th has lain in a massage chair (yes, right in the metro - and it was good!), the Lord seemed quite nice.
constantly running when shopping on the way and then suddenly I saw him at the wrap-purchases in my car a few places on him as he stowed his merchandise in the much too small trunk of the convertible.
not know what came over me at the moment - but I'm back and I asked him if we want to go drink something.
A smile and a half even with a little hint that the man is married, because I just so easy have raised ... Well - was not really wild.
I am proud of the action itself. And after all, he meant that he would like to drink with me about that but he was married.
such a man I want as well.
75% of the men I know - I correct 95%! the men I know would have put on the safe said yes and do not just go with the idea of what ...
Oh no - I know because just for men?
is all in all it to me good.
I feel Christmassy, lying on my couch, my trees have to (yes, my fir trees And I'm proud on the trees in November - last year gabs with me a Christmas feeling, simply because the time was not around to get it. And this year I am happy to have it all. And if it is already early November), listen to a CD (WeihnachtsCD understand) is * lol *, my drink hot lemon and are about to read my oh-so-great book on.
In this sense
you all a wonderful festive start to the snow hopefully filled weekend!

Patryk had "thought Sunday night, which was now but a completely different course as" one.
Super informative. Thanks for the notification by SMS from Tuesday to Wednesday night. Had me so smooth wondered if he would have noticed before.
And really why at night?
bad conscience? Could not the Lord to sleep?
And why the hell should I suffer just because I ALWAYS put the alarm clock at 5 am and then spontaneously decide to go swimming, to move me to the gym or me but turn around to continue to make to my blissful sleep follow. Why I'm so smart, look at the phone, read this very interesting and telling SMS to stay just as sour as I am at the moment, lie awake in my bed?
voted Thursday night I called (in Belgium, of course - I `s yes * haha *)
How I feel he asks me.
How I feel? Good - had ne nice week. But much more interesting - as was the Sunday?
"different run as intended / expected "- yes I was so smart since Wednesday 5 clock in the morning!
And what does that mean?
It is a long Herumgeschwafel the final at last to me, beyond this, by the flowers know that you ended up in bed with ex (the comment that it was good to the Lord could not save of course).
And what upsets me about the story?
He has messed up our friendship.
He can not do any serious do know that he wanted more from me and our friendship just make a relationship when he actually hung the whole time of the explosion afterwards.
Actually it's only die Enttäuschung über die verloren gegangene Freundschaft. Nicht mehr und nicht weniger.
Gefühle waren noch nicht genug vorhanden.
Und ich habe auch keine Lust mich Beziehungsmäßig darein zu steigern. Zumal es ja keine gab. Aber um die Freundschaft und die Filmeabende tut es mir leid. Erst recht jetzt im Winter.
An dieser Stelle sei mal das Buch „Höhenrausch“ von Ildikó von Kürthy (bekannt bei den meisten: „Mondscheintarif“) erwähnt. Habe heute angefangen und werde es mit Sicherheit heute Nacht fertig lesen. Einfach nur geil. Und einfach nur passend. Nur, dass ich 14 Jahre jünger bin als die Hauptfigur ;-)
Super informative. Thanks for the notification by SMS from Tuesday to Wednesday night. Had me so smooth wondered if he would have noticed before.
And really why at night?
bad conscience? Could not the Lord to sleep?
And why the hell should I suffer just because I ALWAYS put the alarm clock at 5 am and then spontaneously decide to go swimming, to move me to the gym or me but turn around to continue to make to my blissful sleep follow. Why I'm so smart, look at the phone, read this very interesting and telling SMS to stay just as sour as I am at the moment, lie awake in my bed?
voted Thursday night I called (in Belgium, of course - I `s yes * haha *)
How I feel he asks me.
How I feel? Good - had ne nice week. But much more interesting - as was the Sunday?
"different run as intended / expected "- yes I was so smart since Wednesday 5 clock in the morning!
And what does that mean?
It is a long Herumgeschwafel the final at last to me, beyond this, by the flowers know that you ended up in bed with ex (the comment that it was good to the Lord could not save of course).
And what upsets me about the story?
He has messed up our friendship.
He can not do any serious do know that he wanted more from me and our friendship just make a relationship when he actually hung the whole time of the explosion afterwards.
Actually it's only die Enttäuschung über die verloren gegangene Freundschaft. Nicht mehr und nicht weniger.
Gefühle waren noch nicht genug vorhanden.
Und ich habe auch keine Lust mich Beziehungsmäßig darein zu steigern. Zumal es ja keine gab. Aber um die Freundschaft und die Filmeabende tut es mir leid. Erst recht jetzt im Winter.
An dieser Stelle sei mal das Buch „Höhenrausch“ von Ildikó von Kürthy (bekannt bei den meisten: „Mondscheintarif“) erwähnt. Habe heute angefangen und werde es mit Sicherheit heute Nacht fertig lesen. Einfach nur geil. Und einfach nur passend. Nur, dass ich 14 Jahre jünger bin als die Hauptfigur ;-)
spec to the book: Deceived. Leave. Over 30 And the connective tissue has seen better days. Can it get any worse? Yes. Linda falls in love with a married man And that means buying new underwear, belly move in and never ask if he leaves his wife. How long can this go on? Until someone wants more. And this one is very different. The total appeared unexpectedly, half naked and in the worst moment
Last night I was brave!
I Have a sympathetic discharge is collected and then I just felt just fine.
The guy was holding me noticed while shopping in the metro. And after
he showed that he can laugh with a girl on the tousled hair, if they just min 20th has lain in a massage chair (yes, right in the metro - and it was good!), the Lord seemed quite nice.
constantly running when shopping on the way and then suddenly I saw him at the wrap-purchases in my car a few places on him as he stowed his merchandise in the much too small trunk of the convertible.
not know what came over me at the moment - but I'm back and I asked him if we want to go drink something.
A smile and a half even with a little hint that the man is married, because I just so easy have raised ... Well - was not really wild.
I am proud of the action itself. And after all, he meant that he would like to drink with me about that but he was married.
such a man I want as well.
75% of the men I know - I correct 95%! the men I know would have put on the safe said yes and do not just go with the idea of what ...
Oh no - I know because just for men?
is all in all it to me good.
I feel Christmassy, lying on my couch, my trees have to (yes, my fir trees And I'm proud on the trees in November - last year gabs with me a Christmas feeling, simply because the time was not around to get it. And this year I am happy to have it all. And if it is already early November), listen to a CD (WeihnachtsCD understand) is * lol *, my drink hot lemon and are about to read my oh-so-great book on.
In this sense
you all a wonderful festive start to the snow hopefully filled weekend!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Mysore Mallige Blufilm
his toothbrush in my toothbrush cup ...
Saturday, 11/03/2007
We ride together to work colleagues (now more friends than colleagues because we do nothing in berufl. have) to me. Actually, I just wanted out.
short term, but then we decided together to go there for coffee.
Incl. Cake and surprise eggs then we went on the road in the Taunus. Almost an hour it took us until then.
And I've got a private driving lesson in a hilly area with many curves. How is a child of the north because that can also correct?
The evening was great. I did not think that is sooo Patryk can fit in well, although he has never seen two ... Super comfortable.
And the area is also a dream.
The House. Wonderful.
L. (the male half of the friends) is one of the house. He has offered me rent the apartment over to can. To nem really good price. And the apartment has a balcony to a bigger and still almost 90 square meters. There is unfortunately not really far off the beaten track.
Far from Patryk, far from Mainz, Wiesbaden, Germany ... Far away from the people I've gotten to know here.
Patryk asked on the way home after quite incredulously, if I can really imagine ...
And - yes, I can imagine very well. But somehow not enough. That would be a wicked apartment if you want to go with his partner. You understand?
I'm still wondering about ...
Patryk stayed the night with me. I was curled up. The all night. And it did so well.
Was just stupid, that the Lord was of the opinion that he must get up at night and make the window (during the heating is on full stage and at the door to the living room). Why not.
I'm happy to awake at 7:45 in the morning and get up at rumzuwuseln in the apartment again so I get a little air. But good. We got him yet been produced. Or if I need to learn to sleep during the window? Let's see ...
Last night he was still agreed with his (ex-) girlfriend. Why, he knows even less accurate. Actually, there were never very affectionate and loving words that have fallen, when it came to her. But he wanted wohl noch mal einiges klären.
Zudem durfte ich mir anhören, dass er sich nicht sicher ist, dass da keine Gefühle mehr sind. Und das er sie „eigentlich“ nicht zurück will.
Wie nur stört mich das Wort „eigentlich“ so?!?
Aber gut. Ich habe weiß Gott keine Ansprüche an diesen Mann und ich denke, dass muss er mir nun noch mal richtig zeigen...
Nach dem Frühstück gehen wir noch eine Runde spazieren (während des Spaziergangs erkläre ich schon mal, dass ich nicht mir ihm zusammen ins Fitnessstudio gehen werde sondern später gehe, nachdem ich mich mit Petra getroffen habe).
An sich ein sehr angenehmer Spaziergang. Das Laub. Der Herbst.
And somehow steals the Christmas feeling a gradually more and more.
on standing water Patryk asked me how much I like him for now (and the whole after the comic tomorrow, where he had his head in the EX).
Super. How should we respond there?
He stated that he would not be an asshole and that he did not want to hurt ...
I am preparing for a discharge. What else, I can not imagine at this moment.
He asks me how I feel about it ...
Well ...
I declare that I like him very much.
that I enjoy time with him.
me feel comfortable when we see ourselves.
like it when I am the All night do not let go.
That it is ok but just that we see during the week because he just not there.
that I like how easy we can do anything and let us against each other time.
question but then, why I probably have the feeling that I just received a rebuff.
Now he is silent.
is why the man always things in the room clear up without this!
end, he told me (after three times reformulate my hand, and always persistent silence, that he has a tingling sensation.
but the thing that he wants to go slow and do not know how it turns out.
how much it fits with us or not. That he would like to fit it but can not predict.
How come not you say so?
Why are these shocking moments!
Then we see it all the same ... And the world is in order ...
Strange but yesterday I felt even after he was gone.
After I was with Petra and I am against 23 clock on the way home I see that no light is on him to (his apartment is located directly on the way to my house ...). Is he still with his ex? Is it there when he has hinted?
Should I worry?
Actually, I'm the last person who should open his mouth in that direction (see summer romance), but with him it's about the feelings. With me to the sex.
this morning in the bathroom:
brushing your teeth ... His toothbrush is in my tumbler. Oversight or intentional? I think intention ...
has moved the toothbrush with me?
Is this small step back?
I do not interpret too much into it. But I am happy about it. And everything else I have to wait.
I hate the word! But
well. So I can not oppress yourself and have fun at the whole drum-around-getting-learning with him ...
wishes you all a wonderful start to this week!
- Jumps
PS: As of Saturday night because my Christmas spirit! Juhu! (Last year I had none. Not even on Christmas Eve)
Saturday, 11/03/2007
We ride together to work colleagues (now more friends than colleagues because we do nothing in berufl. have) to me. Actually, I just wanted out.
short term, but then we decided together to go there for coffee.
Incl. Cake and surprise eggs then we went on the road in the Taunus. Almost an hour it took us until then.
And I've got a private driving lesson in a hilly area with many curves. How is a child of the north because that can also correct?
The evening was great. I did not think that is sooo Patryk can fit in well, although he has never seen two ... Super comfortable.
And the area is also a dream.
The House. Wonderful.
L. (the male half of the friends) is one of the house. He has offered me rent the apartment over to can. To nem really good price. And the apartment has a balcony to a bigger and still almost 90 square meters. There is unfortunately not really far off the beaten track.
Far from Patryk, far from Mainz, Wiesbaden, Germany ... Far away from the people I've gotten to know here.
Patryk asked on the way home after quite incredulously, if I can really imagine ...
And - yes, I can imagine very well. But somehow not enough. That would be a wicked apartment if you want to go with his partner. You understand?
I'm still wondering about ...
Patryk stayed the night with me. I was curled up. The all night. And it did so well.
Was just stupid, that the Lord was of the opinion that he must get up at night and make the window (during the heating is on full stage and at the door to the living room). Why not.
I'm happy to awake at 7:45 in the morning and get up at rumzuwuseln in the apartment again so I get a little air. But good. We got him yet been produced. Or if I need to learn to sleep during the window? Let's see ...
Last night he was still agreed with his (ex-) girlfriend. Why, he knows even less accurate. Actually, there were never very affectionate and loving words that have fallen, when it came to her. But he wanted wohl noch mal einiges klären.
Zudem durfte ich mir anhören, dass er sich nicht sicher ist, dass da keine Gefühle mehr sind. Und das er sie „eigentlich“ nicht zurück will.
Wie nur stört mich das Wort „eigentlich“ so?!?
Aber gut. Ich habe weiß Gott keine Ansprüche an diesen Mann und ich denke, dass muss er mir nun noch mal richtig zeigen...
Nach dem Frühstück gehen wir noch eine Runde spazieren (während des Spaziergangs erkläre ich schon mal, dass ich nicht mir ihm zusammen ins Fitnessstudio gehen werde sondern später gehe, nachdem ich mich mit Petra getroffen habe).
An sich ein sehr angenehmer Spaziergang. Das Laub. Der Herbst.
And somehow steals the Christmas feeling a gradually more and more.
on standing water Patryk asked me how much I like him for now (and the whole after the comic tomorrow, where he had his head in the EX).
Super. How should we respond there?
He stated that he would not be an asshole and that he did not want to hurt ...
I am preparing for a discharge. What else, I can not imagine at this moment.
He asks me how I feel about it ...
Well ...
I declare that I like him very much.
that I enjoy time with him.
me feel comfortable when we see ourselves.
like it when I am the All night do not let go.
That it is ok but just that we see during the week because he just not there.
that I like how easy we can do anything and let us against each other time.
question but then, why I probably have the feeling that I just received a rebuff.
Now he is silent.
is why the man always things in the room clear up without this!
end, he told me (after three times reformulate my hand, and always persistent silence, that he has a tingling sensation.
but the thing that he wants to go slow and do not know how it turns out.
how much it fits with us or not. That he would like to fit it but can not predict.
How come not you say so?
Why are these shocking moments!
Then we see it all the same ... And the world is in order ...
Strange but yesterday I felt even after he was gone.
After I was with Petra and I am against 23 clock on the way home I see that no light is on him to (his apartment is located directly on the way to my house ...). Is he still with his ex? Is it there when he has hinted?
Should I worry?
Actually, I'm the last person who should open his mouth in that direction (see summer romance), but with him it's about the feelings. With me to the sex.
this morning in the bathroom:
brushing your teeth ... His toothbrush is in my tumbler. Oversight or intentional? I think intention ...
has moved the toothbrush with me?
Is this small step back?
I do not interpret too much into it. But I am happy about it. And everything else I have to wait.
I hate the word! But
well. So I can not oppress yourself and have fun at the whole drum-around-getting-learning with him ...
wishes you all a wonderful start to this week!
- Jumps
PS: As of Saturday night because my Christmas spirit! Juhu! (Last year I had none. Not even on Christmas Eve)
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Hepatitis From Sleeping With Dogs?
without cheating relationship ...?
I feel as though we had Sunday night. Only without the depressing Sunday afternoon feeling.
The free day today, did well - very well indeed. Have
to 13 clock sleep - to 13 clock! I do not know when is my last time happened ...
But from the beginning:
The seminar will last two days was incredible ...
were incredibly important issues addressed - found solutions.
They were two tough days. Days with a lot of work, concentration and Personally for me with many emotions.
My boss was the first time said what he really thinks. As he sees us, what he expects from us and that he is disappointed by our department humanely as we do on a private plane never with him.
And he's right.
It had in this regard but only a couple of things are said and clarified that just stood in the room.
Who would have thought it - the seminar has meant that I see my boss from a completely different perspective. Almost a 180 ° C change.
After the seminar, my colleague and I decided that we drive her to drink something and the days revue can happen - together. Just
discuss again all come down to think to compensate opinions.
After 2 bottles of wine and a SMS to my boss I'm headed towards Wiesbaden - directly to the gym. So I was completely finished after all, by 1 clock time in bed.
I still have the phone with a friend and then I fell asleep ... So it can `s go ;-)
We come now to the real thing, what has made the small jumps again.
Chris (Ex-summer romance) came by and still wanted to change the tires on my car. When we realized that it will be dark before we would be finished with the tires, we moved it again the next weekend. Hopefully me the weather does not upset by the bill.
Finally he did come. Took me a hug - kiss me I've wanted ...
really torn for quite a time together. But at some point it could not.
We have just made it into the bedroom. So ne shit.
I mean, I'm still not really going steady - but I guess I just have won a guilty conscience.
After actually very good, fast and hard fuck (sorry, but otherwise you can not describe!) We went out both. I
to the gym. He to nem friend with whom he was still a date.
Chris has really done it yet in a month, in which he with the English woman together is including my two unfaithful times ...
But I am now the last person who should stand in line there ...
After I so like an hour on the cross trainer was, and came home on the phone I have with Patryk . Today we no longer see us. He says that he has a bad mood today. That he does not want to transfer to me but, in principle, of course, would have liked to see.
He said he does not dare to take me at night in the arm because he's afraid to be hit twice as like the first time. I can not even remember when that was. But there were also quite different conditions. So, without feeling.
Sunday Evening we will meet.
go drink together ...
The interview has shown me how many times have we talked to each other over misunderstandings ... What was it that have led us to think in advance to never more.
He missed me a little and thought of me.
We believe both still not right.
And it certainly needs more time. The U.S..
But we have.
you all a good night.
- jumps
PS: I know it was shit with Chris ending up back in bed!
I feel as though we had Sunday night. Only without the depressing Sunday afternoon feeling.
The free day today, did well - very well indeed. Have
to 13 clock sleep - to 13 clock! I do not know when is my last time happened ...
But from the beginning:
The seminar will last two days was incredible ...
were incredibly important issues addressed - found solutions.
They were two tough days. Days with a lot of work, concentration and Personally for me with many emotions.
My boss was the first time said what he really thinks. As he sees us, what he expects from us and that he is disappointed by our department humanely as we do on a private plane never with him.
And he's right.
It had in this regard but only a couple of things are said and clarified that just stood in the room.
Who would have thought it - the seminar has meant that I see my boss from a completely different perspective. Almost a 180 ° C change.
After the seminar, my colleague and I decided that we drive her to drink something and the days revue can happen - together. Just
discuss again all come down to think to compensate opinions.
After 2 bottles of wine and a SMS to my boss I'm headed towards Wiesbaden - directly to the gym. So I was completely finished after all, by 1 clock time in bed.
I still have the phone with a friend and then I fell asleep ... So it can `s go ;-)
We come now to the real thing, what has made the small jumps again.
Chris (Ex-summer romance) came by and still wanted to change the tires on my car. When we realized that it will be dark before we would be finished with the tires, we moved it again the next weekend. Hopefully me the weather does not upset by the bill.
Finally he did come. Took me a hug - kiss me I've wanted ...
really torn for quite a time together. But at some point it could not.
We have just made it into the bedroom. So ne shit.
I mean, I'm still not really going steady - but I guess I just have won a guilty conscience.
After actually very good, fast and hard fuck (sorry, but otherwise you can not describe!) We went out both. I
to the gym. He to nem friend with whom he was still a date.
Chris has really done it yet in a month, in which he with the English woman together is including my two unfaithful times ...
But I am now the last person who should stand in line there ...
After I so like an hour on the cross trainer was, and came home on the phone I have with Patryk . Today we no longer see us. He says that he has a bad mood today. That he does not want to transfer to me but, in principle, of course, would have liked to see.
He said he does not dare to take me at night in the arm because he's afraid to be hit twice as like the first time. I can not even remember when that was. But there were also quite different conditions. So, without feeling.
Sunday Evening we will meet.
go drink together ...
The interview has shown me how many times have we talked to each other over misunderstandings ... What was it that have led us to think in advance to never more.
He missed me a little and thought of me.
We believe both still not right.
And it certainly needs more time. The U.S..
But we have.
you all a good night.
- jumps
PS: I know it was shit with Chris ending up back in bed!
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