Patryk had "thought Sunday night, which was now but a completely different course as" one.
Super informative. Thanks for the notification by SMS from Tuesday to Wednesday night. Had me so smooth wondered if he would have noticed before.
And really why at night?
bad conscience? Could not the Lord to sleep?
And why the hell should I suffer just because I ALWAYS put the alarm clock at 5 am and then spontaneously decide to go swimming, to move me to the gym or me but turn around to continue to make to my blissful sleep follow. Why I'm so smart, look at the phone, read this very interesting and telling SMS to stay just as sour as I am at the moment, lie awake in my bed?
voted Thursday night I called (in Belgium, of course - I `s yes * haha *)
How I feel he asks me.
How I feel? Good - had ne nice week. But much more interesting - as was the Sunday?
"different run as intended / expected "- yes I was so smart since Wednesday 5 clock in the morning!
And what does that mean?
It is a long Herumgeschwafel the final at last to me, beyond this, by the flowers know that you ended up in bed with ex (the comment that it was good to the Lord could not save of course).
And what upsets me about the story?
He has messed up our friendship.
He can not do any serious do know that he wanted more from me and our friendship just make a relationship when he actually hung the whole time of the explosion afterwards.
Actually it's only die Enttäuschung über die verloren gegangene Freundschaft. Nicht mehr und nicht weniger.
Gefühle waren noch nicht genug vorhanden.
Und ich habe auch keine Lust mich Beziehungsmäßig darein zu steigern. Zumal es ja keine gab. Aber um die Freundschaft und die Filmeabende tut es mir leid. Erst recht jetzt im Winter.
An dieser Stelle sei mal das Buch „Höhenrausch“ von Ildikó von Kürthy (bekannt bei den meisten: „Mondscheintarif“) erwähnt. Habe heute angefangen und werde es mit Sicherheit heute Nacht fertig lesen. Einfach nur geil. Und einfach nur passend. Nur, dass ich 14 Jahre jünger bin als die Hauptfigur ;-)
Super informative. Thanks for the notification by SMS from Tuesday to Wednesday night. Had me so smooth wondered if he would have noticed before.
And really why at night?
bad conscience? Could not the Lord to sleep?
And why the hell should I suffer just because I ALWAYS put the alarm clock at 5 am and then spontaneously decide to go swimming, to move me to the gym or me but turn around to continue to make to my blissful sleep follow. Why I'm so smart, look at the phone, read this very interesting and telling SMS to stay just as sour as I am at the moment, lie awake in my bed?
voted Thursday night I called (in Belgium, of course - I `s yes * haha *)
How I feel he asks me.
How I feel? Good - had ne nice week. But much more interesting - as was the Sunday?
"different run as intended / expected "- yes I was so smart since Wednesday 5 clock in the morning!
And what does that mean?
It is a long Herumgeschwafel the final at last to me, beyond this, by the flowers know that you ended up in bed with ex (the comment that it was good to the Lord could not save of course).
And what upsets me about the story?
He has messed up our friendship.
He can not do any serious do know that he wanted more from me and our friendship just make a relationship when he actually hung the whole time of the explosion afterwards.
Actually it's only die Enttäuschung über die verloren gegangene Freundschaft. Nicht mehr und nicht weniger.
Gefühle waren noch nicht genug vorhanden.
Und ich habe auch keine Lust mich Beziehungsmäßig darein zu steigern. Zumal es ja keine gab. Aber um die Freundschaft und die Filmeabende tut es mir leid. Erst recht jetzt im Winter.
An dieser Stelle sei mal das Buch „Höhenrausch“ von Ildikó von Kürthy (bekannt bei den meisten: „Mondscheintarif“) erwähnt. Habe heute angefangen und werde es mit Sicherheit heute Nacht fertig lesen. Einfach nur geil. Und einfach nur passend. Nur, dass ich 14 Jahre jünger bin als die Hauptfigur ;-)
spec to the book: Deceived. Leave. Over 30 And the connective tissue has seen better days. Can it get any worse? Yes. Linda falls in love with a married man And that means buying new underwear, belly move in and never ask if he leaves his wife. How long can this go on? Until someone wants more. And this one is very different. The total appeared unexpectedly, half naked and in the worst moment
Last night I was brave!
I Have a sympathetic discharge is collected and then I just felt just fine.
The guy was holding me noticed while shopping in the metro. And after
he showed that he can laugh with a girl on the tousled hair, if they just min 20th has lain in a massage chair (yes, right in the metro - and it was good!), the Lord seemed quite nice.
constantly running when shopping on the way and then suddenly I saw him at the wrap-purchases in my car a few places on him as he stowed his merchandise in the much too small trunk of the convertible.
not know what came over me at the moment - but I'm back and I asked him if we want to go drink something.
A smile and a half even with a little hint that the man is married, because I just so easy have raised ... Well - was not really wild.
I am proud of the action itself. And after all, he meant that he would like to drink with me about that but he was married.
such a man I want as well.
75% of the men I know - I correct 95%! the men I know would have put on the safe said yes and do not just go with the idea of what ...
Oh no - I know because just for men?
is all in all it to me good.
I feel Christmassy, lying on my couch, my trees have to (yes, my fir trees And I'm proud on the trees in November - last year gabs with me a Christmas feeling, simply because the time was not around to get it. And this year I am happy to have it all. And if it is already early November), listen to a CD (WeihnachtsCD understand) is * lol *, my drink hot lemon and are about to read my oh-so-great book on.
In this sense
you all a wonderful festive start to the snow hopefully filled weekend!
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