My opinion on cheating "...! No single
Thank you very much for your honest answers! ;)
order now to my question of the last entry again to refer ...
When is cheating really cheating?
The question I have more rhetorical than anything else. The entry of such a high opinion cleavage causes me this morning but was not aware to some extent.
Since you now shows all your thoughts on this I will have my to do at this point yet known.
cheating starts I think in my head ...
Means for me that one longs for something else in mind and begins the search for a new partner if necessary. THE
is cheating on me!
On an emotional level I can go really foreign to a human. Otherwise not. Or at least not really.
think is the most aware people in other ways completely. do not share my opinion, my friend, would I also know ... But that's why we're all people with different ideas and different interpretations of this.
sex with another person other than the partner.
This point would, for example, for me not to say that I throw away a relationship.
the people with whom I guess together I mad on many levels. At 1000x more important than levels of sex! A partnership to make me out the similarities. The shared laughter. Talk about God and the world - and not just 10 minutes a day. Enterprises in a coffee even if it sometimes goes in the Insignificant. Understanding without words. Same interests. Shared experiences. If my partner loves me us my quirks. I miss his eyes do not like. If you fall asleep at night in front of that person thinks and am wondering why he is not next to me in everyday Auffwachen morning alone. And so on. I could at this point well and happy to tell what is important to me.
But who has set everything in the world, that sex means to cheat his partner. If I
with NEM other man I've only seen once, go drink a coffee, is it cheating?
Who decides?
In my view, should the person who looks for physical satisfaction with another man with himself can make, why is that and what conclusions you draw for themselves and their relationship.
Kingdom considers time that everything is right with the partner. Everything seems more or less perfect - not only the hinhaut sex.
Should I then end the relationship and give me my physical gratification with other people with whom I have little in common other than sex have or should now and take a small slip in sales while but you know what the relationship is with his partner and tries to come to a more comfortable sexually, same level, and if one partner and possibly many more extravagant experiences has collected and the other in this respect is quite veiled - what do you do?
one screwed as far down that he has hardly feel like having sex because it is not nearly as satisfying or the other must be increased from now on the same way that it appeals to the / of my love? Either way. The fun will be the loser and it is difficult to einzufinden.
Why are my thoughts for most of you as strange?
admittedly. I would not stand up and demand an open relationship. So I would impose upon my partner my opinion.
Finally, I think, therefore, that we should live with his conscience and must choose the path with which one can most identify.
One should not stand up, "unfaithful" to bind (in what sense or another) and his partner, then everything on the nose.
Either we want to have the relationship continue after that or not. should
Will it, I think you even with the slip-ups are done and not his partner on the self-inflicted expect.
Will you not, and the relationship is sure that it is the end of a relationship, we may also terminate this without the other person to the nose to prevent what one has done. A separation is that bad enough, and eventually change the position in itself, nothing more. Except that you make a bad conscience a little air. Selfishly, I call it - nothing else. But
That's my opinion. And I wanted to get rid of stop times. Like you in your messages to me;)
one thing I would clarify at this point.
The name of the men late at night from my yesterday's entry did not refer God knows its limits. Rather
war der Zustand dieser gemeint, nachdem sie mehr als nur 2-3 Bier o. ä. intus hatten.
Zugegebener Maßen habe ich mich nicht treffend genug ausgedrückt. Aber ich denke, das erklärt nun Einiges.
Ansonsten würde ich behaupten, dass ich es mir nicht anmaßen würde auf Grund von Äußerlichkeiten über Menschen zu urteilen ;)
Im Übrigen juckt der Kuss mich gar nicht mehr weiter. Warum auch immer habe ich seit gestern so ein unglaubliches starkes geniales Gefühl gegenüber meines Freundes, dass ich die ganze Welt umarmen könnte! Wer weiß ob ich das auch ohne den Kuss bekommen hätte?! Schließlich hat doch alles im Leben einen Sinn, oder?! ;)
Monday, January 14, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Structure Of The Chicken Pox Virus
more! Conclusion: There is again the word cheating ...
When you go foreign?
My girlfriend and I are tonight in Wiesbaden been on the road. Something like a fun pup.
was only the music sucks, and the men were good ...
And late in the day shit, the men and the music great.
conclusion this evening:
5 men are out of favor (. Yes, I'm an ass but a smile is not "Just come over - you ...) I've been using a
been smooching on the dance floor.
shit, I'm NEN friend.
am now a complete asshole!
When you go foreign?
My girlfriend and I are tonight in Wiesbaden been on the road. Something like a fun pup.
was only the music sucks, and the men were good ...
And late in the day shit, the men and the music great.
conclusion this evening:
5 men are out of favor (. Yes, I'm an ass but a smile is not "Just come over - you ...) I've been using a
been smooching on the dance floor.
shit, I'm NEN friend.
am now a complete asshole!
Turmeric Tea From Powder
What can I say?
I summarize first time together just what happened in the last few weeks ...
first Far too much work before the second-awaited holiday
3 weeks well deserved holiday with friends, family and friends!
third Daniel's Friends: The karaoke evening
4th Christmas Eve, Christmas, and my non-existent belief in the Church (and its eternal regret that I "believe" simply can not)
5th One weeks illness - but that discourages me so long meinemUrlaubsvorhaben not;)
6th Review: 1 ½ years of single life are now officially over
7th Fish sandwich on the Baltic Sea with friend and family
8th New Year's Eve with my boyfriend and his friends
9th Back home: 5 Tage zwischen IKEA, der Sehnsucht nach Arbeit und dem Versuchzu entspannen
10. Arschlöcher dieser Welt
11. Frohes Neues: Meine verspäteten Vorsätze für das Jahr 2008
Keine Angst. Ich werde nicht in einem Eintrag alles niederschreiben. Die Überschriften sind gesetzt. Und die Texte folgen in den nächsten Tagen. Je nach dem was ich an den einzelnen Tagen so schaffe und wo es lohnt was zu berichten ;)
Also: viel Spass beim Lesen!
Wie immer ist wieder einmal alles anders gekommen als es sollte... Um ehrlich zu sein habe ich keine Ahnung wie ich anfangen soll zu schreiben.Es ist so viel passiert. Und es ist unglaublich schwer das zu dem Zeitpunkt gefühlte im Nachhinein wieder zu geben. So I will all just gross anschneiden.Das first weekend of my vacation I was at Daniel. Including getting to know his mother and one half of his circle of friends at a karaoke evening. It was all fun times. Even more so after I had ne ¾ bottle of Martini intus - delicious! ;) As can sing ne jumps are brave. Sunday we went to 3 hours of sleep, a little sex and a walk in the church with the cars to go to my family Lübeck. God, that was five hours long sleepy Sun But what must be ... ;) Until 23.12. So, at first it was at night to be out with old friends, sleep till noon, and otherwise the grandparents a little to reach under the arms. 24.12.2007Frühstücken adorned with the beloved Papa Eltern.Mit the Christmas tree. With the grandparents and the neighbors in the church (at the site was even mentioned that I am neither in the church, nor that I believe in something along those lines). I just enjoy this moment for me to have. You to think - to digress. And without the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is probably still needs to do everything. Back home we had coffee and cake with grandparents and parents. My dear brother had to work until the afternoon of that is the pleasure and then drive to the family of his girlfriend for the first treat of the day. Between coffee and dinner we went briefly to a friend and then nimbly Gifts pack up my mom for dad. Done! Exactly to the minute. And since the rest already trickled including brother and girlfriend to dinner. 18:30 UhrBescherung! And I really felt, I do not look right. All the gifts did not fit with time under three pine trees. Since there have parents and grandparents once again really well with the Warped (and in this moment I think the mileage between the parents and daughter) meant favorite daughter ... It really is super sweet. And I am happy about it. But I am also just about less! At Christmas it is the most beautiful when you're together. If you can grab a Likörchen together. To maintain in peace, spiele spielt usw. – die ganzen Mengen an Geschenken muss doch nicht sein... Nun gut. Nach Stunden der Bescherung bin ich direkt danach wieder aufgebrochen (11:30) zur Mitternachtsmette. Ja, wieder in der Kirche und wieder eine Sprünge, die immer noch nicht an Gott glauben kann und es doch eigentlich gern würde.Da der Opi am 24.12. Geburtstag hat wird am 25. traditionell ganz groß gefeiert. Danach ging`s dann noch mit ner Freundin von Früher (haben zusammen Badminton gespielt) in die Stadt um was zu trinken. Die Gute lebt inzwischen in Rostock und war pünktlich zu Weinachten nach 3 Jahren wieder Single... Für den 26. hatten mein Bruder und seine Freundin sich überlegt die beiden Familien zusammen . Out My body had intended to do while tired. I had bagged this super adorable virus that would induce me to kneel ... No way! Muuuuutti - what should I have brought everything nothing - so I spent the next few days but with just as much action as before, only with the small negative aspect that I looked damn shit for the 12/27!. Daniel had been announced. At noon he arrived by train in Lübeck. Catch? NE! This was indeed now in the train more than enough time. Starting in the city. Shopping! But only after we were still at Mom to introduce him ... Is so, when you already working mums parking blocked;) evening was great then arrive at my parents. And in contrast to Christmas Eve were now all vertreten.Eltern time, grandparent, brother, brother's girlfriend and the undeclared neighbors. Ahja if the daughter ever again brings NEN man with a home must all look * lol * So Daniel and I spent the days until 29.12. (Evening) in Lübeck with my friends and my family, so it could subsequently go directly back to him;) I want a break! Somehow it was all too much. Daniel and I were not even safe with us. On the surface, but everything was clear - they are together! Super ... then have to do is join our feelings ... ;) New Year's Eve we were back at his friends. But this time the other friends. Not that there is still boring ... And there he was. The moment where I thought that we can work with both ... Well ... So I unofficially since 01.01.2008 a friend. Officially out weeks in advance;) The first week was quite tricky, I have to admit. But what life would be like if everything were so simple. I was not sure with him. But the more certain that I wanted to go home. In my home. Finally, I am also on 01 went home. Evening ... But that was good. The car felt good. To arrive home was good. Not good but did feel that he was not with me. Daniel was not me much. The whole around it made me zuschaffen only. Meanwhile, we talk again another clever. Discuss. Tease us. Show us the limits. That is exactly what was missing me. He is back. The man with whom I want to be together ... just drop me another one of many things. But I do not write more now ... One other thing. The first night in Lübeck me the letters of my ex-friend fell back in his arms. The letters of the man whom I have done here with an entry in a huge declaration of love. Yes, I've read. Not all. But many. And how convenient that I have saved these letters. I was suddenly aware again that is what I hated those days. The fact that this man only love. And if I love writing, I mean love. No re-words. No buts. No shouting, swearing, be angry. Nothing. And I realize what I now habe.Ich for a man by my side just hope it stays that way ... A tingling sensation is off and on since. Not always. But again and again. And I do appreciate the time with him. And yet rather HIM! Well. As I said. It is now all at viel.Die follows again the next day more. I hope;)
dearest greetings
PS: A naughty you alone 2008!
PS2: For better understanding I put the private records of late now to be related;)
Achso ...
PS 3: The summer romance is somehow still available;)
Phone Job Interview Email Reply
Current status: I am stressed and incredibly happy! The 2
I grind it once again let schreiben.Und once again I'm a little pissed at myself because there are days or weeks later is not simply write down everything the same as it was and how you felt. Professionally, much stress was announced. Angehet less what the activity as the joyful "pay" ... weeks - oh was: MONTHS - I've tried my superiors to nail down a salary discussion. Until now I was alone talk. But at least a raise, which is a plain joke. Did mom. neither the desire nor the time since I hineinzusteigern further. Currently there is and I can not change it. Point. To explain all this I would rather go far afield ... I can do it elsewhere;) With my basic course I had Christmas party last week. That was great. Definitely. Eat, drink, see the people again. Laugh! As of Friday I have 3 weeks vacation. And I needed. 'm Exhausted. Will just stick to reading a book. See my family in peace. Meet friends. What a drink and not have to think about what I'll plan the next day ... - Friday evening after work, you go to Duisburg-Sunday evening we continue to Lübeck-Tuesday at 8 Felix does my clock in the factory town (Hmmm ... with dd or dt - I admit it do not look like and also not straight, but only finished writing) - Thursday to meet with Susibis 23.12. the friends meet again and let your soul-24.12. decorate with Daddy tree and spend Christmas Eve with the family-25.12. + 26.12. Opis Born celebrate;) - 28.12. to Bielefeld to Felice (not seen for 5 years) - 29.12. continue to Duisburg to Schatzi on New Year's Eve 02.01. continue to Cologne to Carsten (work colleague) and take as Tanya - 05.01 or 06.01. back home. So - that the plan is ...:) Have a bissl already packed, which mostly gifts together and I am glad that I fahre.Ärgere Friday after Duisburg me is that I can be received only from 22 clock and, accordingly, would call it a day late ... * hmmmmSo. I open the door to bed. All cross and cross again. I know. But on vacation I take more time to write;) Good NachtSprüngePS: a) am a one sweety: small, blond, sweet, and have precious bird (must understand now, no) b) am half a fish on the way to three-quarter fish ;)
blond sweety, 1 / 2 fish

entry of 13.12.2007
I grind it once again let schreiben.Und once again I'm a little pissed at myself because there are days or weeks later is not simply write down everything the same as it was and how you felt. Professionally, much stress was announced. Angehet less what the activity as the joyful "pay" ... weeks - oh was: MONTHS - I've tried my superiors to nail down a salary discussion. Until now I was alone talk. But at least a raise, which is a plain joke. Did mom. neither the desire nor the time since I hineinzusteigern further. Currently there is and I can not change it. Point. To explain all this I would rather go far afield ... I can do it elsewhere;) With my basic course I had Christmas party last week. That was great. Definitely. Eat, drink, see the people again. Laugh! As of Friday I have 3 weeks vacation. And I needed. 'm Exhausted. Will just stick to reading a book. See my family in peace. Meet friends. What a drink and not have to think about what I'll plan the next day ... - Friday evening after work, you go to Duisburg-Sunday evening we continue to Lübeck-Tuesday at 8 Felix does my clock in the factory town (Hmmm ... with dd or dt - I admit it do not look like and also not straight, but only finished writing) - Thursday to meet with Susibis 23.12. the friends meet again and let your soul-24.12. decorate with Daddy tree and spend Christmas Eve with the family-25.12. + 26.12. Opis Born celebrate;) - 28.12. to Bielefeld to Felice (not seen for 5 years) - 29.12. continue to Duisburg to Schatzi on New Year's Eve 02.01. continue to Cologne to Carsten (work colleague) and take as Tanya - 05.01 or 06.01. back home. So - that the plan is ...:) Have a bissl already packed, which mostly gifts together and I am glad that I fahre.Ärgere Friday after Duisburg me is that I can be received only from 22 clock and, accordingly, would call it a day late ... * hmmmmSo. I open the door to bed. All cross and cross again. I know. But on vacation I take more time to write;) Good NachtSprüngePS: a) am a one sweety: small, blond, sweet, and have precious bird (must understand now, no) b) am half a fish on the way to three-quarter fish ;)
blond sweety, 1 / 2 fish
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