Saturday, January 12, 2008

Phone Job Interview Email Reply

Current status: I am stressed and incredibly happy! The 2

entry of 13.12.2007

I grind it once again let schreiben.Und once again I'm a little pissed at myself because there are days or weeks later is not simply write down everything the same as it was and how you felt. Professionally, much stress was announced. Angehet less what the activity as the joyful "pay" ... weeks - oh was: MONTHS - I've tried my superiors to nail down a salary discussion. Until now I was alone talk. But at least a raise, which is a plain joke. Did mom. neither the desire nor the time since I hineinzusteigern further. Currently there is and I can not change it. Point. To explain all this I would rather go far afield ... I can do it elsewhere;) With my basic course I had Christmas party last week. That was great. Definitely. Eat, drink, see the people again. Laugh! As of Friday I have 3 weeks vacation. And I needed. 'm Exhausted. Will just stick to reading a book. See my family in peace. Meet friends. What a drink and not have to think about what I'll plan the next day ... - Friday evening after work, you go to Duisburg-Sunday evening we continue to Lübeck-Tuesday at 8 Felix does my clock in the factory town (Hmmm ... with dd or dt - I admit it do not look like and also not straight, but only finished writing) - Thursday to meet with Susibis 23.12. the friends meet again and let your soul-24.12. decorate with Daddy tree and spend Christmas Eve with the family-25.12. + 26.12. Opis Born celebrate;) - 28.12. to Bielefeld to Felice (not seen for 5 years) - 29.12. continue to Duisburg to Schatzi on New Year's Eve 02.01. continue to Cologne to Carsten (work colleague) and take as Tanya - 05.01 or 06.01. back home. So - that the plan is ...:) Have a bissl already packed, which mostly gifts together and I am glad that I fahre.Ärgere Friday after Duisburg me is that I can be received only from 22 clock and, accordingly, would call it a day late ... * hmmmmSo. I open the door to bed. All cross and cross again. I know. But on vacation I take more time to write;) Good NachtSprüngePS: a) am a one sweety: small, blond, sweet, and have precious bird (must understand now, no) b) am half a fish on the way to three-quarter fish ;)
blond sweety, 1 / 2 fish


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