Sunday schonmal you have time to look at other blogs. And sometimes, as it is also inspired to write yourself a little. A theme that is also pleased with me also very popular, is the communication between the sexes. Especially when sex plays a role.
Adorable way I could pursue in the context today a debate between bloggers and Christian Patrick dedicated to the no. No, as voiced no. But denying the certain touch, ie the non-verbal 'no'. With the No I have even in the article "YES YES no no" apart. Although I am primarily focusing on that women should also take care to formulate a clear yes to get it relaxed all parties make.
While now in the debate between Christian and Patrick as the "no" in the center, the former takes a position that no just and interpreted, not the last word and must not be absolute. For Patrick means no , especially in sexual contexts, that it literally and action must be stopped:
" In a somewhat sexually colored situation is without special agreements to the contrary no for an clear stop sign which leads to termination of said no action. "
In one of Christian's articles, however, reads the following:.
"exist when uncertainty is enough to give her some room Will not that come down the bra, then you snogs just yet something around and try it gently again. Will they not even be touched in the crotch, then you put his hand on her butt just back and kneads the a while. You can play action and the hand slowly over two fingers move her belly to the breast can be when it says that it is vulnerable in the sense (is building something silly, but from stress). Or, if she wants anything physical, then you talk just a little while, creates trust and then tried again a careful kiss or just a touch on the arm. If one doubts its willingness, can you also make it easy to do something. Say: Just because you do not stop doing something, one must not exceed their limits. You can just go back to the last state, against whom she has nothing and work up from there again. "
Well, what can I say on the subject from my point of view? I can imagine a situation in which I make out with a man feel that he and his actions go too far. Is this then a temporary limited sense? Is it just too early? He urgently to? Or would I not make it so easy? Primarily, it would probably a situation where I will feel uncomfortable. Otherwise I would not dismiss his actions. As read the sentences, the Christian writes, is in his handling of these rejections to a strategy. He takes the situation back a little, try it again elsewhere. The focus seems to me this is not the well-being to stand the other person, but the goal that you have in mind. In addition, read the sentences as the panacea for every woman who is not directly would have it, how to get (n) and wants for each time.
I for one would know in that situation you why I will rejected. Well, not to flatten the situation, I would ask a direct question may rear. But still, I would be important that the person feels comfortable, and the Decline of the hand on the breast or in the step would be for me a clear signal to try any more. I would have been, until the person that demands perhaps himself. If this does not happen that night, then this is so. Either the person attracts me so much that I would like to see again or not. But not everything should von einer Begegnung abhängen. Und nachdem die Situation beendet ist, würde ich der Person sagen, dass ich sie nicht bedrängen wollte. Spätestens das sollte eine Grundlage für verbale Kommunikation über nonverbale Handlungen, bieten.
Kommen wir zurück zur Ausgangssituation. Ich mache mit einem Mann rum, er geht mir an den Schritt, ich möchte das jetzt nicht. Es gibt viele Gründe, weshalb ich das nicht möchten kann. Vielleicht ist es mir zu früh, ich bin nicht erregt, ich bin unrasiert und das ist mir unangenehm, oder ich habe meine Tage oder einfach keine Lust. Ist ja auch egal, Jedenfalls lehne ich die Berührung ab. Wenn er das akzeptiert, merke ich, dass er mich and takes full for my actions. He is because it is good for me. If he tries it again, I will feel left out. Tries it is not, so we continue. If I am not so shaved and not have my days, it can happen that I am in the process, come to room temperature and I would be comfortable but at some point to again have a hand in the crotch. That can signal one. Quite good even. If I previously had a hand in the crotch, then I can take it again and run in the direction. It will remember the person that it is now ok after all.
This constant Ante most, whether it is now, well, not yet, maybe in a quarter hour, it would make me mad! It has also not determined if it is intended, something unsouveränes. The person who can take it back and not constantly trying to radiate more composure, at least what I think, much more exciting than to have the feeling someone, it's all about sex, not me.
And that dealing with them, this implied "with women you have to stop to have a little patience, which has now", it is so terrible. It is objectifying. A woman may very well for himself what is ok for them, or not ok. And this-Zermürbungsstrategie, for as such I feel it, when will be tested again and again, does the person who expresses opposition, not seriously.
I do not want to say that there are not women, so welcome a behavior, ask , promote or. But why is that? Could it be that these are for women who are simply accustomed to a certain extent be determined by others? The man knows what is good for you?
And is not it not also an incredible double standard be that women who show quite offensive that they want and what they want, then have as easy and as sluts?
To me still upset over a point in Christian's line of argument, before I read the article published: white
"A woman making out with a man that he wants to keep trying something and is assigned to it that this part . Try under the normal rules are not taken one sick. "
What does that mean then? Nciht that I make out with a man may, if I will not let him in, because a man wants sex nunmal? Then I may yet not arrange to meet with him to dinner because he does so only because women and it takes a lengthy foreplay? So really only do something with men when you're ready to fuck? I'm sorry, but the logic of this statement eludes me
addition. Who Who writes what to Part? That the Company that any social groups expect something from me to say, but certainly does not mean that I have to meet. And an expectation is not legitimate for a long time for anything.
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