In some approaches to sexuality between man and woman sex illustrated as a scarce commodity. At the very least suggests the behavior of some people regarding sexuality and dealing with potential sexual partners suggests. Add to that the perception that women are strongly favored in this area, so access to much greater sexual resources, potential sexual partners than men. That could have a woman who creates it just waiting around the clock sex with countless men, while a man must starve in the opposite way on the long arm.
There are several things that would under this approach the gentle reader suspicious.
1) Who are the women and men? Women between 18 and 80? Men between 18 and 75 (yes, they die sooner)? Those are taken in itself very large groups that have neither the physical characteristics of the people, nor their character, their needs, preferences, interests, values, attitudes, leisure activities, education levels, occupations, and determines other things that I do not want to come, . consider
2) Even if we assume that a woman whatever they may be such as snapping a finger just needs to pull one sexual partner in the country: Will they this at all?
The point does not seem to be whether a person has and the opportunities, but whether they felt the intention to take them. What good is it to me to be able to have sex with any man, if not turn me on? Nothing. I will not have sex.
I will not show off with statistical data, as well as those are never totally representative. But from personal experience I can tell by some men who had more multiple sexual partners, als umgekehrt. Ob das repräsentativ ist, sei dahin gestellt. Fakt ist aber, dass sich daraus nicht schließen lässt, dass Männer zwingender Weise weniger Sex mit wechselnden Partnerinnen haben, als umgekehrt.
Gerade die Herangehensweise, Sex als knappes Gut darzustellen, was in einer monogam strukturierten Gesellschaft zudem auch noch bedeutet, dass in Partnerschaften Männer ihre Partnerinnen "besetzen" und sie somit von dem Markt an verfügbaren potenziellen Sexpartnerinnen ausschließen (Gemeinheit!), halte ich für eine Konstruktion. Eine Konstruktion, die dafür sorgt, dass Männer ständig um ihre "Triebbefriedigung" bangen, dadurch anfangen in their courtship to spread as stupid and then wonder that they do not score points. Why did they not score then? Perhaps the behavior is so easily seen through it? If I am approached in Joyclub or other portals with similar goals, so is it very quickly that the men who write me, proceed to Schmema-F, the text is not aimed at me personally, that their scribblings not easy by any manner arouses my interest. And I'm just not looking
Dealing with sexuality and the determination of sexual partners seems to me just not relaxed so wonderful.. Of course, if I assume that with every sip of water I drink my oasis and I will continue to dry up soon reach the point where I must die of thirst, while others might draw from a pool constantly producing new water, en I would also not relaxed quite a bit.
The more a man gives the impression of being on the search, the more difficult it will probably be for him to find a partner who will climb into bed with him. It does not mean that he is a bad guy, but he will not achieve the desired effect so easily and are thus confirmed in his assumption anyway. This woman should indeed have sex with him can, he can not have sex with her. Ergo. A woman can ALWAYS have sex, a man NEVER
addition seems to me this whole thing, that sex is a scarce resource to be focused too much on "the" male side. It's all about what "women" because everything might have. But not for what they want because what is more important at this point. Obviously do "they" did not use any x-any guy sex.
The focus is also still on one, as already stated not further defined, large, global group. Not to the individual. Not on the limits of where interactions Playing. On the radius of the limited space in which it resides, which can be very different depending on the person. Different in a geographical sense, in a (sub) cultural meaning, in the virtual sense. Also dependent on the group of people will be with which one can enter into sexual contact. There are also the personal characteristics that in the simple idea that more women could have sex with multiple partners, than men, as I said do not be taken into account.
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