Friday, October 1, 2010

Underwear Peeking Out Of Jeans

not enraptured faces

practice faces from a particular fascination for me. In the sense that they are so incredibly changeable, depending on in what state of mind are the face of support. Faces is usually a more or less neutral Ausdruck bei. Neutral in dem Sinne, dass extreme Gefühlsregungen den Gesichtsausdruck nicht prägen.

Vielleicht ertappt man sich auch schonmal dabei, sich vorzustellen, wie Person XY beim Sex wohl aussieht? Zumeist reicht dafür die Vorstellungskraft nicht. Und auch, wenn es möglich ist, sich etwas vorzustellen, wird man eventuell feststellen, dass dieses Bild im Kopf der Realität in keinster Weise gerecht wird.

Ich für meinen Teil finde einen Menschen kaum schöner, als in den Momenten, in denen die Erregung Macht über die Mimik erlangt. Es ist so ein unfassbares Wunder, was dieses Gefühl mit Gesichtern macht. Sie weicher werden lässt. The eyes themselves seem all the more hungry, more lively, darker. During the mouth slightly open, inviting you to kiss the one hand, on the other hand, somewhat pinched, aggressive in itself, has similar eyes.

This moment lost in reverie, the desire by playing on their faces, like a virtuoso on his piano is unique. To me, this moment, or moments that such a truth as a basis. They show that the person with whom one has to do it, enjoying the moment, it rises to their feelings and not pretending. What is most important for me.

By adjusting I mean not even know that the person is trying to play something. But only the fact that the person trying to hide something. That they, for example, ashamed, excited to be that it is their self-control. In fact, it can also be a wonderful game to watch this inner conflict, a witness of this struggle for self-control to become.

satisfying and liberating, I find it but to see that this fight not at either place only has found, or has already been fought. And the defeat in this case garkeine, but revealed that the loss of self control Facial expression, no regret in its wake. Maybe is not even made aware of reality. But I alone am the one who thinks in that moment by himself to show me such beautiful faces, of the kind.


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