Monday, November 29, 2010

Emptying Boat Toilets

What goes? Sex, the scarce resource

In some approaches to sexuality between man and woman sex illustrated as a scarce commodity. At the very least suggests the behavior of some people regarding sexuality and dealing with potential sexual partners suggests. Add to that the perception that women are strongly favored in this area, so access to much greater sexual resources, potential sexual partners than men. That could have a woman who creates it just waiting around the clock sex with countless men, while a man must starve in the opposite way on the long arm.

There are several things that would under this approach the gentle reader suspicious.

1) Who are the women and men? Women between 18 and 80? Men between 18 and 75 (yes, they die sooner)? Those are taken in itself very large groups that have neither the physical characteristics of the people, nor their character, their needs, preferences, interests, values, attitudes, leisure activities, education levels, occupations, and determines other things that I do not want to come, . consider

2) Even if we assume that a woman whatever they may be such as snapping a finger just needs to pull one sexual partner in the country: Will they this at all?

The point does not seem to be whether a person has and the opportunities, but whether they felt the intention to take them. What good is it to me to be able to have sex with any man, if not turn me on? Nothing. I will not have sex.

I will not show off with statistical data, as well as those are never totally representative. But from personal experience I can tell by some men who had more multiple sexual partners, als umgekehrt. Ob das repräsentativ ist, sei dahin gestellt. Fakt ist aber, dass sich daraus nicht schließen lässt, dass Männer zwingender Weise weniger Sex mit wechselnden Partnerinnen haben, als umgekehrt. 

Gerade die Herangehensweise, Sex als knappes Gut darzustellen, was in einer monogam strukturierten Gesellschaft zudem auch noch bedeutet, dass in Partnerschaften Männer ihre Partnerinnen "besetzen" und sie somit von dem Markt an verfügbaren potenziellen Sexpartnerinnen ausschließen (Gemeinheit!), halte ich für eine Konstruktion. Eine Konstruktion, die dafür sorgt, dass Männer ständig um ihre "Triebbefriedigung" bangen, dadurch anfangen in their courtship to spread as stupid and then wonder that they do not score points. Why did they not score then? Perhaps the behavior is so easily seen through it? If I am approached in Joyclub or other portals with similar goals, so is it very quickly that the men who write me, proceed to Schmema-F, the text is not aimed at me personally, that their scribblings not easy by any manner arouses my interest. And I'm just not looking

Dealing with sexuality and the determination of sexual partners seems to me just not relaxed so wonderful.. Of course, if I assume that with every sip of water I drink my oasis and I will continue to dry up soon reach the point where I must die of thirst, while others might draw from a pool constantly producing new water, en I would also not relaxed quite a bit.

The more a man gives the impression of being on the search, the more difficult it will probably be for him to find a partner who will climb into bed with him. It does not mean that he is a bad guy, but he will not achieve the desired effect so easily and are thus confirmed in his assumption anyway. This woman should indeed have sex with him can, he can not have sex with her. Ergo. A woman can ALWAYS have sex, a man NEVER

addition seems to me this whole thing, that sex is a scarce resource to be focused too much on "the" male side. It's all about what "women" because everything might have. But not for what they want because what is more important at this point. Obviously do "they" did not use any x-any guy sex.

The focus is also still on one, as already stated not further defined, large, global group. Not to the individual. Not on the limits of where interactions Playing. On the radius of the limited space in which it resides, which can be very different depending on the person. Different in a geographical sense, in a (sub) cultural meaning, in the virtual sense. Also dependent on the group of people will be with which one can enter into sexual contact. There are also the personal characteristics that in the simple idea that more women could have sex with multiple partners, than men, as I said do not be taken into account.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Bleeding Cuts In The Moouth

The Taming

Sunday schonmal you have time to look at other blogs. And sometimes, as it is also inspired to write yourself a little. A theme that is also pleased with me also very popular, is the communication between the sexes. Especially when sex plays a role.
Adorable way I could pursue in the context today a debate between bloggers and Christian Patrick dedicated to the no. No, as voiced no. But denying the certain touch, ie the non-verbal 'no'. With the No I have even in the article "YES YES no no" apart. Although I am primarily focusing on that women should also take care to formulate a clear yes to get it relaxed all parties make.

While now in the debate between Christian and Patrick as the "no" in the center, the former takes a position that no just and interpreted, not the last word and must not be absolute. For Patrick means no , especially in sexual contexts, that it literally and action must be stopped:
" In a somewhat sexually colored situation is without special agreements to the contrary no for an clear stop sign which leads to termination of said no action. "

In one of Christian's articles, however, reads the following:.

"exist when uncertainty is enough to give her some room Will not that come down the bra, then you snogs just yet something around and try it gently again. Will they not even be touched in the crotch, then you put his hand on her butt just back and kneads the a while. You can play action and the hand slowly over two fingers move her belly to the breast can be when it says that it is vulnerable in the sense (is building something silly, but from stress). Or, if she wants anything physical, then you talk just a little while, creates trust and then tried again a careful kiss or just a touch on the arm. If one doubts its willingness, can you also make it easy to do something. Say: Just because you do not stop doing something, one must not exceed their limits. You can just go back to the last state, against whom she has nothing and work up from there again. "

Well, what can I say on the subject from my point of view? I can imagine a situation in which I make out with a man feel that he and his actions go too far. Is this then a temporary limited sense? Is it just too early? He urgently to? Or would I not make it so easy? Primarily, it would probably a situation where I will feel uncomfortable. Otherwise I would not dismiss his actions. As read the sentences, the Christian writes, is in his handling of these rejections to a strategy. He takes the situation back a little, try it again elsewhere. The focus seems to me this is not the well-being to stand the other person, but the goal that you have in mind. In addition, read the sentences as the panacea for every woman who is not directly would have it, how to get (n) and wants for each time.

I for one would know in that situation you why I will rejected. Well, not to flatten the situation, I would ask a direct question may rear. But still, I would be important that the person feels comfortable, and the Decline of the hand on the breast or in the step would be for me a clear signal to try any more. I would have been, until the person that demands perhaps himself. If this does not happen that night, then this is so. Either the person attracts me so much that I would like to see again or not. But not everything should von einer Begegnung abhängen. Und nachdem die Situation beendet ist, würde ich der Person sagen, dass ich sie nicht bedrängen wollte. Spätestens das sollte eine Grundlage für verbale Kommunikation über nonverbale Handlungen, bieten.

Kommen wir zurück zur Ausgangssituation. Ich mache mit einem Mann rum, er geht mir an den Schritt, ich möchte das jetzt nicht. Es gibt viele Gründe, weshalb ich das nicht möchten kann. Vielleicht ist es mir zu früh, ich bin nicht erregt, ich bin unrasiert und das ist mir unangenehm, oder ich habe meine Tage oder einfach keine Lust. Ist ja auch egal, Jedenfalls lehne ich die Berührung ab. Wenn er das akzeptiert, merke ich, dass er mich and takes full for my actions. He is because it is good for me. If he tries it again, I will feel left out. Tries it is not, so we continue. If I am not so shaved and not have my days, it can happen that I am in the process, come to room temperature and I would be comfortable but at some point to again have a hand in the crotch. That can signal one. Quite good even. If I previously had a hand in the crotch, then I can take it again and run in the direction. It will remember the person that it is now ok after all.

This constant Ante most, whether it is now, well, not yet, maybe in a quarter hour, it would make me mad! It has also not determined if it is intended, something unsouveränes. The person who can take it back and not constantly trying to radiate more composure, at least what I think, much more exciting than to have the feeling someone, it's all about sex, not me.

And that dealing with them, this implied "with women you have to stop to have a little patience, which has now", it is so terrible. It is objectifying. A woman may very well for himself what is ok for them, or not ok. And this-Zermürbungsstrategie, for as such I feel it, when will be tested again and again, does the person who expresses opposition, not seriously.

I do not want to say that there are not women, so welcome a behavior, ask , promote or. But why is that? Could it be that these are for women who are simply accustomed to a certain extent be determined by others? The man knows what is good for you?
And is not it not also an incredible double standard be that women who show quite offensive that they want and what they want, then have as easy and as sluts?

To me still upset over a point in Christian's line of argument, before I read the article published: white

"A woman making out with a man that he wants to keep trying something and is assigned to it that this part . Try under the normal rules are not taken one sick. "

What does that mean then? Nciht that I make out with a man may, if I will not let him in, because a man wants sex nunmal? Then I may yet not arrange to meet with him to dinner because he does so only because women and it takes a lengthy foreplay? So really only do something with men when you're ready to fuck? I'm sorry, but the logic of this statement eludes me
addition. Who Who writes what to Part? That the Company that any social groups expect something from me to say, but certainly does not mean that I have to meet. And an expectation is not legitimate for a long time for anything.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Prosumer Camcorders That Use Digital Cards

Les Petits Plaisirs to form Spring

The girls team has made me a post today aware of a new gimmick in the Web 2.0 which I of course can not be drawn by me. On the platform jumping form one can ask people questions. So even I can be on this way now ask questions. What is concerning this blog, the fact themed areas of life, but also like things that have to do with the blog less. I would appreciate it! :-) You can find me at:

also have a text field can here in the sidebar of the blog send in your questions.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Birthday Poem Asking For Money As A Gift

The first step is not dependent on gender

I would like to publish a reader's letter that I received a few days here because it is essentially a dilemma which I had already described a number of devout men. And would like to discuss, in my view, it also by the recorder itself is desirable that even in the context of the comment feature, other people can comment on if they want.

"I would like to just go back a bit, hoping to arouse your interest. Maybe you can draw from it something that is worth reading for you and your blog.
I think, the older and more mature you get, the more forces itself upon one, the question of how to handle himself with his sexual inclinations, which is more than natural. We may discover in themselves needs and desires that differ from the social norm, and the "wrong" are perceived.
Into other areas, such as BDSM, this is still more the case.

If you submissive male and submissive, one is under in the SM scene probably not alone, but most likely still the (felt-intuitive) masses men. In the rest of the (general, non-oriented SM) masculinity, however, we form a minority.

If you listen to a little, or read about how difficult it is dominant women more often because you do find suitable male counterpart, it forces itself but on a the idea that man does not know how he behave in a woman over added.

What is in itself not surprising. Man just usually the one who pretends things. It usually starts already in knowing and dating. As interesting as a woman would find the guy at the bar, she would never go talk to him and is up to him the first step.
What is also understandable way. If a woman is dominant, knows what she wants and the guy then it blows, it is only in the SM-environment likely that he may have similar interests. In a normal environment but men react more distraught, believing that this "break in style" simply are not used, and so does the response of women remain there someday frustrated.
From my own experience I know dass eigentlich die meisten Frauen sich einen Partner wünschen, der größer ist. Eine starke Schulter zum Anlehnen, der sie tröstet, ein starker, selbstbewusster Mann der sie "beschützt".

Als devoter Mann bin ich jedoch nicht so stark. Ich bin auch nicht direkt so selbstbewusst, und ich bin auch nicht derjenige, der IHR gegenüber den Ton angeben will oder kann. Ich wünsche mir die Frau, die mich anspricht, es aber nie tun wird.
Ich werd nun einfach mal etwas persönlicher, spätestens hier hättest du so oder so gemerkt, dass dies keine Gedankenspinnerei sein kann.
Dass jedoch nun schon ab dem Kennenlernen in der Regel der Mann derjenige ist, der das Szepter also in der Hand should have is just the reverse in terms of (sexual) roles gradezu devastating.
Of course, the dominant woman pissed if he responds. That may be because she and her friends just far too nice conversation has, and not to be disturbed, or because of the shameless guy has left a comment too much on its own, or quite simply because he is not her type or because its simply the time it is not perfect enough.
Some of these women love to be considered right from the first moment and later found to be treated, others prefer to meet on equal terms.
degree is something in this regard is an absolute Rotation of the sexual reality, to be yet more bad than good pressed into the norm. And just pours out on all sides. That do not fit each other, can be seen if only because many men can make many mistakes. And what does he intuitively if you please, without knowing the woman at all, even by chance know the proper way to address them? In
SM environment therefore know the "real" woman, is therefore more difficult.

In the normal environment, the right to know is, the more impossible. Dominant women are in the minority, the majority of women expect strong men that appeal to them, no sensitive, cautious men. Wobei ich ohnehin eher seltenst derjenige bin, der Frauen wirklich auch mal anspricht.

Ein weiteres Problem, was sich aus all dem zwangsläufig ergeben würde, ist umso verheerender. Sollte man jemals die passende Partnerin kennengelernt haben, dann ist es mehr als klar, dass sie eine "dominante Aura umgeben" wird, dass sie sich nicht vollständig verstecken können wird. Es wäre daher im normalen Umfeld also letztlich ziemlich schwer, die sexuelle Neigung zu vertuschen, die sich letztlich hinter so einer Partnerin und dem Verhalten ihr gegenüber verbergen wird.

Deswegen ist es klar, dass dominante Frau und devoter Mann schwerer zueinander finden, dass solche Dinge schwerer zu vertuschen sind. Dass both women and men are frustrated and give up at some point the search.

And so it has also shown that the right partner can of course wait for the "

I realize it is not easy, precisely because BDSM pure plays with it is any point to the unapproachable lady -... Why should they contact deign to speak with you Who are just you, that they should feel attracted to you or also? what they recognize that you exactly are, what they would like and different? why they should involved with you if you get them? Who are you that you unasked, unsolicited break into their sphere?
Since bites sich die Katze in den Schwanz. Einer muss nunmal den ersten Schritt machen und auch die divenhafteste Dame möchte schließlich ihre Bedürfnisse befriedigen und nicht dank ihrer eigenen Unnahbarkeit verhungern. 

Man sollte ja auch nicht die Rollen mit den Personen gleichsetzen oder vertauschen. Eine dominante Frau wird in den meisten Fällen zumindest nicht nur eine solche sein, und ein devoter Mann auch andere Qualitäten und Interessen haben. Sollte es sich also nicht um eine oberflächliche Begegnung halten, die anberaumt wird, würde ich sagen, dass man eben auch mehr von sich selbst als Person nach außen zeigen sollte. Eins sollte man aber nicht so sehr zeigen: Und zwar, dass man auf the search is. Well, actually I would not generalize. But from personal experience and the experience which I have checked with other women, it appears that there are men who place a certain degree of desperation of the day, when they even aware that they are looking for.

Ultimately, like-minded terms of what BDSM well but much rather take in the scene at parties, get-togethers, cocktail parties and other events, as happened to be in the hotel bar. And when you speak another problem: The
submissive men a dime a dozen. Honestly, to me are not noticed in the masses. What I already notice are that at various meetings men who seem to have a profile, at least not this show. For sure, but voyeuristic. Unpleasant, albeit quiet, lonely and yet among men. I think anyone who wanted to investing a little, can raise it and define it. Just round tables and other Plauderveranstaltungen, in contrast to the play parties are committed to make new contacts, to show who you are, that's who, without having others feel personally affected. And on those evenings, it does not matter whether you are domiant or submissive, very few of those present will you complain that it appeals to you, even though you're submissive. After all, one is there to talk to! I for one find it extremely rude and just before übergrifflich if any running up my cathedral, to be able to rumtoppen me

In itself it can not hurt to create a pool of contacts, no matter the conformity of sex and affection of their own preference. Because of a contact can be further contacts quickly and easily and without having to give the impression to be desperately looking to generate

But also this:. I do not know how old you are. But times are changing with and. Not for everyone, not everywhere, but everyone can contribute something. Who makes the first step should not depend on gender. Who wants to go to someone to do that was to follow, an impulse, a need. Why not? If you have interest?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Diane 35 For Breast Enhancement

None's is so much nicer! "

of all, all, at least since the 90s, the condom should be established as a first line of control in terms of sex. The question of whether you are escorted back home who can, to a large extent depend on whether the person concerned as is also supplied with rubber.

In my teenage years it was kind of cool to have a condom in Portemonait. Funny As we were that we had the rubber ready, rarely those who needed it really. But we could stand aside and actively paarungswütigen copies of our pubescent species having a cool "clear" to the question: "have you even a rubber?" Answer. We could evenings, perhaps even save lives. In any case, we felt great, responsible and mature it, condoms us to tow with. And we have others who themselves had not, bail out and help them in safe way to their happiness. possess

a condom to buy condoms, which were things that gave it to me at least the feeling of being adults. I am responsible, to be ready sexually active, it should at least be ready to take control in the hand when and if I have sex because I do not leave me in terms of condom on someone else, but can act independently. It really gave me a feeling of freedom, independence, sexual self-awareness, to provide me with rubber bands. And it also had something of a civic duty. To face not only pregnancy but also sexually transmitted diseases in the path. The fight against AIDS to actively support.

But at some point coming to this initial euphoria, the sense of achievement, the partner a condom - even in the dark - on strip to be able to an end. Verantworungsvoller sex or not. He also has disadvantages.
It is the middle of it. In an ecstatic state, wild, unbridled, devouring each other with their mouths, tongues, hands, wrapped around the arms and legs and can not wait to merge, unite in a Leidenschaftzu, which in itself is not really common, nunmal but depends on many factors. In this situation now, you have to quit. The condom dig out of the closet, shelling from the pack and eventually to impose. Go into position, make sure that it does not slip. And then we can proceed. While
This break may be so much of that energy that had built up its already gone. to place a condom is an action that you should exercise but not necessarily full of passion and fervor. After tearing the thing yet. What to do?

There are many other situations in which condoms can be tricky. Some women are covering the additional friction surface (faster) wound, some men have the Schwellschwäche. Or can thus not be so good. Or just simply the reason: "Without's is so much nicer".

Ah, yes ... for whom? As I said, I realize that there are disadvantages in terms of the condom. I also think that in a longer term relationship may well be useful to take distance from the condom. The point here is how to feel comfortable with the idea that the persons concerned, and what other precautions are taken.

For everything else, I would argue essential for the condom. The frustration here is simply that the condom is indeed the small 1x1's sex life, it's just for young people who start new a cool thing, they will all face, "Give AIDS a Chance" posters, this is the rubber but is still not a utensil, which is neatly integrated into the sex life. Rubber cover = interruption. Do it like that? Nothing needs! I'm even not so much with, but I am firmly convinced that there is a way to attach the rubber and a sensory component, instead of declaring it a nuisance. Just as I am also of the opinion that the passionate sexual energy does not need to unload in coitus. It is expected to halt it, but you can not the sex often enough to invent new.

Then there's the media: on the one hand, anti-AIDS campaigns, it's cool to wear a red ribbon and prominent to be. On the other hand, the condom in books and films is often weggeschwiegen times. It is so deep, that this is a non-erotic, almost bureaucratic act. Just then the condom is rare in porn, and it is there to see it already in one or the other productions.

It is a paradox. On the one hand, condoms as civic duty, on the other hand, as a disruptive factor, the media hide even if it is not to just go explicitly about sex with a condom. A normal handling is not so, however, maintained. Erotic is not the condom as a civic duty, even as a disruptive factor.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Help Baby Get Flegm Out

review: "The ghetto-sex-diary" - Sila Sönmez

Currently raging in Germany is well known that Integratios debates. Punctually to appear Sila Sönmez Novel about the sexual freedoms, reflections, wishes and fears of Ayla, a young Turkish woman who grows up in a cologne "Ghetto", a high school in another unspecified borough, attended.

Ayla is in therapeutic treatment and concomitant therapy writes a diary in which she reports on her experiences on the one hand, on the other hand, think also about themselves and their environment. Ayla takes off, and with older, unattractive men to have sex, because sex with her handsome guys just nothing left. They tried it with couples and girls until they finally in love with a friend and begins to think about whether it does happen to be a different approach to sexuality for them.

Ayla's sexual escapades, sex with many men over fifty, provide headlines. I was happy about, reading about such things. Because that is so rare. The idea of sex with "old" men have, so with the dirtiest of what a young woman can imagine. Ayla sets it to. Ayla is the character of a novel, which can allow such a thing nunmal. You can have sex with whom they want, they can be the embodiment of the dirtiest thoughts, to which we have mopped young women ever.

Aber auch wenn ich drohe, mir zu wiedersprechen: Die Tatsache, dass jede sexuelle Handlung in diesem Buch ohne die Verwendung eines Gummis beschrieben wird, sorgt bei mir für Scheidenkrämpfe. Klar, es ist Fiktion. Ayla kann machen was sie will, sie kriegt kein AIDS und wird auch nicht schwanger, wenn die Autorin das nicht möchte. Dennoch, sie ist ein 17-jähriges Mädchen und es handelt sich um ein Buch, welches vielleicht auch von anderern 17-jährigen Mädchen gelesen werden kann. Im Endeffekt ist es auch egal, wer es ließt. Aber Sex mit Junkies ohne Gummi finde ich einfach abturnend.

Ayla reflektiert nicht nur über Sexualität, sondern auch über Herkunft, über Sozialisation, über das, was sie als die Person, die sie ist, ausmacht. Und wie es ist, quasi in zwei Kulturkreisen aufzuwachsen, aber für den einen zu türkisch, für den anderen zu deutsch zu sein. Gerade auch die Bedenken bezüglich ihrer Sexualität, ihrer Vorliebe für schmutzige und erniedrigende Szenarien formt sie nicht zuletzt auch vor ihrem kulturellen Hintergrund.

Der Schreibstil des Buches ist nichts für jeden. Ich fand ihn sehr anstrengend, weil das Buch, als Tagebuch nunmal eine sehr subjektive Schreibweise an den Tag legt, die sich zudem auch stark an der Jugendsprache orientiert. Komisch das zu sagen: Aber ich glaube, da bin ich einfach zu alt für. A less colloquial and spoken language-oriented writing style I had the book more palatable
addition, here and there time jumps are interfering with the flow of reading considerably and it is once again must be based on whether it because now is the next scene, one what to read or is it more of a stumbling block in the style of writing yet.

Yes, as far as a potential target audience for this book, I'm stumped. I think there is something for younger people, the question here, however, how young. At age I would argue, because I ignore contraception and a seemingly random Sexual behavior is not necessarily straightforward find.

Sıla Sönmez
ANAIS Volume 19 ISBN 978-3-89602-565-4

9,95 EUR (D)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Level 26 Electric Box Iphone

Sex and the City

fact, it should be turned in this article about the "cult" series and not a matter in which cities can best pursuit in sexual pleasure can. When people are sick and therefore, protect themselves from their friends for a few days, DVD-boxes of older TV shows boost the recovery process significantly. And just when you under these conditions "SATC" look again to what is seen is even an article.

When watching the first season, several things struck me. First, as currently many issues also remain. If it is remembered that the series 1998, just over 12 years was launched, one might think that there apprehended taboos, fears and desires of today are no longer current. That the company which is oh-so-pornographisiert, a certain level of sexual arbitrariness which focus on the protagonists, would have achieved. not

That this is so, I am sorry. On the other hand, I would I probably set a different blog, in some other subject, if that would go between human, just the sexual, at the level of no more problematic side effects associated. And yet the issues that Carrie and her friends deal, are, apart from the fashionable and the abundance of rich and handsome bachelor, still relevant and not self-evident. Miranda shall bring her friends the "bucks" closer to a multi-function vibrator. One might therefore think that the issue of vibrators is now nothing special. However, it is sufficient for many repetitive articles on tips for the right vibrator, the first time in the sex shop and whether the "magic wand" may be larger than the penis of the partner.

was amusing I also, as Samantha in a series the "Threesome" as the "Blowjob of the 90" means. Carrie asks out, what then of the "Blowjob of the 80" was. Samantha: "anal sex".
During Blowjob such as especially nothing more is to say: it is quite normal to satisfy the partner orally, I think it is not rooted in normality to have sex to third. For anal sex, I'm ambivalent. This can be quite be a practice that is widespread, as that is talked about them. I know of in fairly equal Dimensions women who like anal sex and those who are for it not to have.

I am dadrauf any event, to share in the next period of the disease more seasons of this series on my recovery process.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Freebmd Scotland Online

review: "What they want" - Julia Strasbourg

Julia Strasbourg debut novel deals with a slightly different form of eroticism. While female and male dominance Submissivität in the popular literature for a long time nothing is more unusual, but surprisingly few books dealing with female dominance and male Submissivität. Thanks to "What does she want" is now in a series of erotic novels of Anais-publishing also a work that sheds light on this facet of erotic feeling, in my opinion, represents almost a gap in the market.

It is in "What she wants" to the dominant resident of Berlin, Tessa, and their sexual and emotional life and its relation to two submissive men, Jan and Marc, in their Submissivität very different.
The plot is not particularly abundant. The thoughts and feelings that go with a bit of normality deviant sexual behavior are associated, in the foreground. This, the author is able to convey to the reader very credible. Tessa Reflekionen respect to their inclinations are understand and look authentic, which I find very important in this context. Unfortunately, it tends here and there to certain characteristics of their playmates to relate purely to their sex ("he is just one man"), which I regurgitates something sour.

The eroticism in this novel is not too short and is kept quite humorous. If, therefore, meets female dominance and female submission to the reader to benevolence, this novel contains scenes that invite you to revel.

pity, however, is that the focus is so much to Tessa and her inner life that the other people who fill out this book, remain quite pale. Just because this novel serves up a lot of action, a round picture of the feelings and thoughts of Tessa's playmates would have been well worth reading. Just Marc, who is Tessa important, their behavior towards difficult, remains elusive and very bland.

ANAIS Volume 18 ISBN 978-3-89602-567-8

9,90 EUR (D)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Underwear Peeking Out Of Jeans

not enraptured faces

practice faces from a particular fascination for me. In the sense that they are so incredibly changeable, depending on in what state of mind are the face of support. Faces is usually a more or less neutral Ausdruck bei. Neutral in dem Sinne, dass extreme Gefühlsregungen den Gesichtsausdruck nicht prägen.

Vielleicht ertappt man sich auch schonmal dabei, sich vorzustellen, wie Person XY beim Sex wohl aussieht? Zumeist reicht dafür die Vorstellungskraft nicht. Und auch, wenn es möglich ist, sich etwas vorzustellen, wird man eventuell feststellen, dass dieses Bild im Kopf der Realität in keinster Weise gerecht wird.

Ich für meinen Teil finde einen Menschen kaum schöner, als in den Momenten, in denen die Erregung Macht über die Mimik erlangt. Es ist so ein unfassbares Wunder, was dieses Gefühl mit Gesichtern macht. Sie weicher werden lässt. The eyes themselves seem all the more hungry, more lively, darker. During the mouth slightly open, inviting you to kiss the one hand, on the other hand, somewhat pinched, aggressive in itself, has similar eyes.

This moment lost in reverie, the desire by playing on their faces, like a virtuoso on his piano is unique. To me, this moment, or moments that such a truth as a basis. They show that the person with whom one has to do it, enjoying the moment, it rises to their feelings and not pretending. What is most important for me.

By adjusting I mean not even know that the person is trying to play something. But only the fact that the person trying to hide something. That they, for example, ashamed, excited to be that it is their self-control. In fact, it can also be a wonderful game to watch this inner conflict, a witness of this struggle for self-control to become.

satisfying and liberating, I find it but to see that this fight not at either place only has found, or has already been fought. And the defeat in this case garkeine, but revealed that the loss of self control Facial expression, no regret in its wake. Maybe is not even made aware of reality. But I alone am the one who thinks in that moment by himself to show me such beautiful faces, of the kind.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Terry Light Speed Galleries

Enabling HDR for 3G and 3G

First, you'll need a jailbroken iOS 4.1 for the next steps. I know, the Jailbreak for 4.1 is not out there yet. So, stay tuned.

:::Source Link:::

B.If you have an iPhone 3G, grab the file located at /System/Library/CoreServices/

C.If you have an iPhone 3GS, grab the file located at /System/Library/CoreServices/

D.Add a key named “hdr-image-capture” with a boolean value of “true” to the “capabilities” section of this property list

E.Save it, and use SSH to replace the copy on the device with your modified version

F. Restart SpringBoard, or just reboot your device. You should now have access to the HDR setting in the camera application.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Can You Wear A Tie With Shirt Untucked

Called exist.

orgasm control. Many people have contacted the subject in one or the other way, sometimes apart. understand this it must be such as to prevent or delay an orgasm, by man in order to prolonged coitus. It would be detrimental course if the ejaculate (= orgasm) occurs before it to the ultimate act, namely the sex has come. Something would be embarrassing. Immature. Unmanly. Unerotic. The cascade of negative thoughts and feelings that go with a premature climax accompanied takes almost no end.

known example is the scene from the teen comedy "American Pie" in which the protagonist is visited by the sexy Czech Austausschülerin and at the sight of her bare breasts ejaculate, while they (merely) touched his leg. A screamer in the cinema and in the suburban youth, Jim, the protagonist in his fiasco on the web cam observed.

The subject of premature ejaculation requires two conditions.
1: An orgasm can only be early, if he had been destined for something else. In most cases, the premature orgasm, as seen one of the (still) before sexual activity - which is in a traditional linear progression of sexual activity at the center, the main course is more or less - or in a very "early" stages of sexual activity occurs .
2: Another orgasm is impossible. The sexual activity rises and falls with the time of the male climax, this is the sexual activity within a single event and at the same time also an indicator of the quality = intensity and duration of this activity.

There are several factors that are not considered. I will start from heterosexual intercourse, as I am in the constellation so nunmal most familiar. It's been like that most men are quite ready also aims to give a woman an orgasm. It even goes so far that it is better if the woman comes from the man, either before intercourse, if it can have an orgasm through penetration, or even during intercourse. So if there should come to the AGM, the man is the prelude act together, and the woman make this not so intense that her partner could have a premature and even when GM is control by the man announced that he will not come before her.

read to me all very, very unrelaxed. I on my case for parameters such as prematurely prelude to throw sex as a central moment of sexual activity, and similar conventions. It quite different approach. To let's go and see what happens. An ejaculation should be the final not always. The climax not once, not the summit, after it once again into the valley, downhill. It can also be a prelude to something new, a different experience, that if it does not measure in any standards, or just at the extremely can be much more relaxing.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

How To Make My Sony Dvp Sr200p Region Free

review: "111 reasons to love open" - Cornelia Jönsson & Simon Maresch

- An ode to open relationships, polyamory, and the friendship

"The traditional relationship concept of two people who meet in a lifetime in the heart, in bed and in the spirit is, in today no longer fits all. Every human being has many different needs that one partner can not meet often. The opening of a relationship is a flexible alternative if you have more than one wants to share his life. "

On the subject of polyamory, there is so far not much written. All the better that the two (election) Berliners, who love themselves polyamorously, have devoted to this subject.

Promises subtitle of this book that it will hold. What could have been a boring guide can be revealed as a very entertaining, rich book, which is based on the characters and the subject of open relationships polyamory and worked up to life can be. My fear was that this work work your theory or gray along with a wagging finger reminds us how to become a better person, a better relationship with nature. But the approach remains the one very close to the action, in which the theory remains but that is no such example in the life of the protagonists, their biographies and current life situations to practice.

The protagonists are the inhabitants of a Berlin flat, namely Florian and Annika, which are the same age, have a relationship and expecting a child together, Magrit, which maintains a relationship with Annika essential older than this and at the same time in an open marriage, living together with children and Cem, philosopher, and gay relationships is anything but interested. But these four characters also have friends that play important role in their lives.

So it says in the preface:
"We no longer believe that love can be won by freedom must We no longer share our relations in 'important' and 'less important', with life partner is very important and friends a lot. less important. "

The 111 reasons to which the theme in each case hangs is the chapter headings, the content is developed in the chapter. Although the book follows a storyline, but one can often simply read a chapter, without being lost.
polyamory is not considered a cure-all. But the focus a life and love set addressed, also at this day still is anything but commonplace, and requires a lot of rethinking. The mere idea of \u200b\u200bloving more than one person is hard to imagine for many people. Or is it conceivable - for oneself, but to admit that freedom to your partner? As it often hears on

No taboo topic. jealousy

polyamorously the people live, are not automatically eifersuchtsfei. It has just got to read that the authors address this issue also. Jealousy is not a poyamores taboo subject, but as a cultural phenomenon considered, which is internalized through socialization and therefore requires special reflection. Thus, all protagonists reflect on jealousy, come to the conclusion that this is often a fear of loss, or a fear of being inadequate. That jealousy problem but often also a person with himself. The fact that she is afraid to be inadequate, it must have with the partner and his activities to do nothing

Conclusion. Let's be realistic - we try the impossible

I for my part recommend this book highly. It is pleasant to read and easy, containing yet here and there philosophical theories. It's not a perfect way, but indicates that the way in which polyamory is lived, depends on the participants and their needs. It also shows that basically, nothing is impossible, because it simply is not up to standard. That relationships can change with the people and their Bedüftnissen. That a new love from an old or not replace, but can lead to an enrichment for all involved.

111 reasons to love open
Cornelia Jönsson, Simone Maresch
Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf
€ 9.90

Friday, September 3, 2010

Thank You Notes To Clients From Hair Stylist

Moving iTunes from Mac to Windows

Actually, it should be not so, but unfortunately I dare this step: Several weeks without OSX and Windows 7 Small back-ground story: Since I'm probably the end of the year to Australia I will have a Mac for a few weeks (until I bought one there), why should I serve Win 7 netbook. Of course, iTunes is already installed 10 and now wants to be fed with data.

situation is an iMac with OSX 10.6.4 and iTunes 10 and a Windows 7 Home Premium Notebook with iTunes 10, and a sufficiently large external hard drive.
be merged First the iTunes library. In the Menubar on iTunes - click> library and let the process go through with me has lasted about 30 seconds at> 5000 songs.
On the Mac, we open the Finder and go to / Users / "your user name" / Music and copy the entire iTunes folder to your external hard drive.

on the Windows PC, we open the Explorer and go to C: / Users / "your username" / My Music and there simply replace the entire iTunes folder on the hard disk.

Now we start with the Shift key, iTunes on the PC and select the newly copied LIBRARY. If you open it to / iTunes / can not find just the Explorer and locate the directory in the iTunes Library file and the suffix ". Itl" attach.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Velicity Von Tall Wiki

Workaround: Facebook 3.2 Error

following workaround has helped me to Facebook after the update to 3.2 to bring back live.

/ / UPDATE / /

fix for the problem of biteSMS:

download the following file:

instructions are in the Readme.txt

/ / UPDATE end / /

RockApp install.
RockApp -> Manage -> Manage Extensions
following clear:


then goes back biteSMS Facebook but do not.

Update: As an alternative to
Rock can also be used SBSettings.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Lexus 250 Vs Corolla Xrs

Cydia Database Error - solved!

should welcome the start of Cydia you this error message:

Error: Problem parsing dependency Conflicts Database

single in the folder

private \\ etc \\ apt \\ sources.list.d \\

go and delete the file cydia.list . This includes your manually registered resources.

You can also open the file and manually edit each entry to look at what it is.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Homemade Aluminum Tender

homosexuality and masturbation is the Bravo

a brief history

In an article in the Jungle World discussed a study by Erwin in het Panhuis on homosexuality and the use of the Bravo with this. The article itself is very much worth reading. I think the entire study can be instructive and interesting.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

My Cervical Mucus Is Bloody

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Deep Set Eyes In Bad Lighting

why Jailbreak

count for me the following programs and extensions to the "must-have" s for a jailbreak.

LockInfo (payment):

For me really the reason to jailbreak. On the LockScreen can see all the information quickly. Upcoming appointments, SMS, emails, PushNotifications, weather, Twitter ... It simply has a quick overview, without opening the programs to have.


Displays information about mail, SMS, IM, calendar, voice mail, ... using small icons next to the battery indicator.

MyWi (payment):

Turns iPhone into a 3G WiFi router. Supports WEP encryption, which is sufficient for temporary Internet access as well.


Allows a quick "wipe" of the time the quick access to system functions of the iPhone, for example, the on / off of UMTS, WLAN, AutoCorrect, SSH. Or adjusting the display brightness kill in Processes. I SBSettings extended by many other so called toggles üer Cydia.

Tweetie (payment):

Tweetie opens when pulling the Clock from top to bottom, allowing status messages quickly in the networks of Facebook and / or Twitter to post. Tweetie is also understood with pictures and videos, Lokationsinformationen and Linkshortener services.

Cyntact (payment):

Displays in the Address list, select the appropriate profile picture, if any, with.

biteSMS (donationware):

biteSMS is a replacement for the SMS app, and allows the cost to send uA SMS via the Internet as soon as their own free text messages are aufgrbraucht. This includes biteSMS previously sent SMS on demand and is then on the own service at (these must be previously charged with credits). BiteSMS offers other great features, including a quick reply function (direct reply to the SMS message from the pop out everything) or the display profile pictures in the pop-ups.

vllt As a side note. more interesting: All described Cydia programs work fine under iOS4 iPhone at the 4th

Sunday, August 1, 2010

2 Year Old Has A Running Tummy

Review: 'players among themselves "- Cornelia Jönsson

Es ist selten, dass Romane auch wirklich intelligent sind. Doch bei der "Spieler-Reihe" kann man dies getrost behaupten und sich sicher sein, auch bei sinnlicher, zuweilen erotischer Lektüre, nicht zu verblöden. 

Nach ihrem Debut-Roman "Spieler wie wir", welches ich an dieser Stelle rezensiert habe, widmet sich Cornelia Jönsson auch in "Spieler unter sich" weiter ihren Protagonistinnen Franzi und Pauline, deren sozialem Umfeld und den Problemen, die nun einmal auftreten, if one has contact with other people.

The plot:
Frank lives happy and dominant with Marius and Catherine. But as the latter two leaves, it triggers a complicated dance. Frank is dedicated to a new friend and starts instead of doing prison theater erotic theater. She longs for more sex with Marius, who just munch on Kelly. This process goes fine until Frank Kelly reveals that she did not intend to share Marius forever with her ...

Pauline was abandoned by her great love, a dominant professor, and I know not what they do with themselves should. She watches what happens around them, not itself, and thereby enjoys the dominance Franzi her roommate, she gets up again stirring contact with a woman.

Especially at the beginning of the book, is one of a relatively experimental, subjective use of language that is very close to the characters, their inner life, feeling out, approached. Cornelia Jönnson uses the language as a tool, which can trigger feelings and just over the first part goes to this freer use of language. Positive. The subjectivity that is expressed, makes the Chraktere so lebendig, wie es selten ist. Selten vor allem in Romanen, die sich hauptsächlich der Erotik widmen.

Aber auch das wäre zu kurz gegriffen: "Spieler unter sich" als Erotik-Roman zu verbuchen. Während das erste Buch doch einen recht starken Fokus auf das Spielen legt, so geht dieses Werk mehr auf die zwischenmenschliche Meta-Ebene ein. Die Folgen des Spiels, wenn es sich ausgespielt hat. Oder falsch gespielt wurde. Pauline, die Ann verfallen war, deren Liebesbeziehung sich nach deren Ende immer mehr als eine ungesunde Obsession entpuppt.
Franzi, die so gerne polyamor leben möchte, Katharina allerdings nicht leiden kann und nicht zuletzt aufgrund dieser Antipathie ihre dominante Ader entdeckt und mit ihr auslebt. Um zu entdecken, dass die ungeliebte Nebenbuhlerin letzten Endes doch Stabilität in eine stagnierende Beziehung gebracht hat.

Im Grunde genommen dreht sich auch bei "Spieler unter sich" im Wesentlichen sehr viel um Sexualität. Doch die Ausschreibung sexueller Szenen, welche in einem selbst erotische Gefühle auslösen, rückt in anbetracht der zwischenmenschlichen Dramen drum herum eher in den Hintergrund. Was das Buch in meinen Augen nicht abwertet. Es gewinnt dadurch viel mehr an Tiefe. Die Frage ist dabei nur, ob man nicht doch lieber etwas mehr Zerstreuung haben möchte.

Sehr gut gefällt mir, wie die Autorin ihren Charakteren Leben einhaucht. Es macht den Eindruck, Franzi, Pauline aber auch all die anderen seien keine fiktiven Figuren. Je weiter man sich in deren Leben begibt, desto mehr hat man das Gefühl, hier gute Bekannte vor sich zu haben. Und doch auch ein Stück weit einen Spiegel seiner selbst. Ich weiß noch genau, wie gut ich mich in Franzi hinein versetzen konnte. Wie ihre Eifersucht auch mir ab und an einen Stich versetzte und Katharina mich zur Weißglut brachte. Diese starke Frau, die natürlich nicht immer stark sein kann. Schwächen und Fehler hat. Und dadurch so schön greifbar wird. Auch Pauline. Wenn auch nur in sehr abgeschwächter Form, so war es auch bei ihr möglich, mich in sie hinein zu versetzen, mit zu fühlen. Diese Sehnsucht to sense of absolute devotion, which will also include some very destructive because it can also mean yet more absolute loss.

Overall very nice which always flowing philosophical impulses that inspire one in the book mentioned, but also to rethink their own lifestyles and to address the issues of love, relationship and above all, communication.


A very good book, whose lead Chraktere apparently a life of its own, at least the action does not in any moment the impression to be created on the drawing board. This book läd ein, über die Geschehnisse in der Handlung, aber auch über das eigene Leben und Empfinden nachzudenken. Es propagiert alternative Lebensstile, die nicht perfekt sind. Weil Menschen nicht perfekt sind und dies auch garnicht sein müssen/sollen/können. Es ist spannend zu lesen, sehr gut geschrieben und mit einem Ende gesegnet, der nach einer Fortsetzung schreit. Erotisch, aber nicht stumpf. Ein Buch, was ich jeder und jedem empfehlen kann, die sich für SM, für offene Beziehungen oder an und für sich für andere Lebensstile interessiert. Oder auch einfach nur ein gutes Buch lesen will.

Cornelia Jönsson
ANAIS Volume 16
€ 9.90
more reviews by Cornelia Jönsson:

more reviews of ANAIS-Verlag:

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Difference Between Secc And Sgcc Steel

Disable Arrow alias in OSX

I dislike the Windows-like arrows in the lower left corner of alias icons. Ever since Panther came out, I'd been using the technique Described in this hint  to get rid of them. When the 10.4.3 Update restored the pesky arrows, I had a little trouble locating the tip, because it is categorized for 10.3, and updated information for Tiger users is only presented at the end of the comments. Hence, this 10.4-only version summarizes (and slightly elaborates on) the Tiger-specific instructions from the original submission.

This procedure, which renames the arrow-image file (AliasBadgeIcon.icns) so that the System won't find it, affects all users and accounts and requires administrator privileges. Open Terminal and type:
 <code style="color: rgb(159, 45, 0); font-family: Monaco, Courier, monospace; font-size: 12px; ">cd  /System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources</code> 
Press Return and then type:
 <code style="color: rgb(159, 45, 0); font-family: Monaco, Courier, monospace; font-size: 12px; ">sudo mv AliasBadgeIcon.icns AliasBadgeIcon_off.icns</code> 
Press Return again, type your administrator's password at the prompt, and you're done. The arrows will be gone after your next restart.

To undo this, repeat the steps above, but swap the positions of the filenames on the second command line:
 <code style="color: rgb(159, 45, 0); font-family: Monaco, Courier, monospace; font-size:. 12px;> sudo mv AliasBadgeIcon_off.icns AliasBadgeIcon.icns \u0026lt;/ code> 
All thanks and credit to the original poster who figured this out

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Can I Jerk Off With A Uti

FREE iWork templates

Joel Wolfgang's site offers free value templates for pupils, students and teachers
Definitely worth a quick click,..)

- Posted from my iPhone

Monday, July 19, 2010

Mainship Grand Salon Nj

All PDF, or what? get

have found there are two tools that everyone should look at times

First PDF Shrink of

and Combine PDFs of

Ersteres macht eure PDFs nach vorgefertigten Presets wunderbar klein. Das Zweite fügt euch mit zwei Klicks mehrere einzelne PDFs zu einer Datei zusammen.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sebaceous Cyst Disappear

iPhone 4

Ich habe mich am Donnerstag tatsächlich nach London gewagt :)

Gegen 7:00 Uhr ging mein Flug von British Airways von Stuttgart nach Heathrow. Das Frühstück bei BA war sehr lecker und das Personal sehr freundlich. Mit denen Fliege ich bestimmt nochmal :)
Um 7:40 Uhr Ortszeit (8:40 Uhr in Deutschland) landete ich in Heathrow. Den ExpressTrain fand ich ohne Probleme und befand mich schnell auf dem Weg nach Peddington. Der Bahnhof von Peddington ist von der Größe vergeichbar ago with that of Stutgart - but I found myself doing fine and I quickly mixed with the London passengers on the Bakerloo Line to Oxford Circus.
At about 8:45 clock I arrived at the Apple Store. The snake was disgusting ... it extended the right of the store on Hanover Street ... 4x ... waiting for a good 4.5 hours I reached the entrance to the store and immediately next to the snake: - /
leave after 7 am I defeated the store with two devices ...

The whole time we were well taken care of: D

hammer day ..

Everything else HERE

Friday, June 18, 2010

How Long Bonion Ectomy

Microsim before:)

!! Info für iPhone Besitzer die nach FR / UK am Do. fahren/fliegen/laufen/schwimmen !!

War grade im TMobile Shop um mir eine Microsim zu holen, um mein iPhone 4 am Do. gleich richtig benutzen zu können.
Jeder TMobile Kunde kann in den Shops einen Kartentausch veranlassen und eine "Zwitter-Sim" bekommen. Diese hat das Format einer normalen Sim, es kann aber zusätzlich die Microsim "herausgelöst" werden.
Also Karte tauschen lassen und ab ins alte iPhone und am Do. einfach die Microsim rauslösen und ab ins Neue.

Preis für den Tausch: 21 €

Achtung: Geheimtipp

Fragt die Dame/den Herren im TShop ob diese eure Karte als defekt melden können, dann kostet der Tasch nämlich nichts! Ansonsten fallen 21 € an.

Monday, June 14, 2010

What's Best For Pregnant Women Stretch Marks

Gmail: Multiple sender addresses on iPhone / iPad use Safari

In seinem Blog beschreibt Nick Cernis eine möglichkeit um ein Googlemail-Konto mit mehrern Absenderadressen zu nutzen.

Prinizipiell muss man das Gmailkonto als "Other"->IMAP anlegen und hinter jedem Benutzernamen ein "," setzen.

Dieser Trick funktioniert allerdings derzeit noch nicht mit einem Exchange Konto.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Cataract Surgery Results

5 ... the addons rock!

Safari 5 bietet nun die einfache Verwaltung von Extensions, which refurbishes the browser in many ways.

order to use extensions at all, you have to allow them in Safari first. Currently this is still a bit cumbersome: open

The settings from Safari (command + comma)
the tab / tab "Advanced"
's call option "menu" Development "in the menu bar "activate (not debug)
menu" Developer "menu item" Enable Extensions "run

times by then the addons Under Settings -> Extensions

here is my favorites:

FireScribe - blogging tool for the browser
SearchPreview - Image Preview in the Google search
FBPhotoZoom - Zooms all thumbnails on facebook
Faceblock - Blocks annoying Facebook advertising
AdBlock - known AdBlocker

Many other addons can be found on Apfelquak

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Braun Buffel Wallets Cost

"Why do I need the new iPhone 4"

Apple Talk asks ... I answer.

Why do I need the new iPhone 4? ... quite simple, I must complete my collection box: raffle and Apple Talk a new iPhone 4th With this post I am taking part in the competition.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sample Disconnecting Internet Services

iPhone: gap in data encryption

is sure or not? The iPhone is not in any case. The data of a source of iPhones to get easier than I thought - PIN or not.
Bernard Marie Feldt, security staff of the British Internet node LINX noted, however, that he was able to access freely with his Ubuntu-10.04-system on his iPhone 3G. When he turned off the device and then run followed, tied Ubuntu's automounter the file system immediately granted access to multiple folders. Access is obtained to diegespeicherten including songs, pictures and audio recordings.

Marienfeldt has informed Apple about the problem, examine it yet and so far come from a race condition error - the error can in fact use only when the iPhone first turn on after being connected to the USB bus.

/ /

Monday, May 10, 2010

Cruise Spots In Sacramento

iPad is finally here

ago sent approximately 2.5 weeks, my 16GB iPad is finally arrived.
The jailbreak is coming soon:)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Soap Taste In Mouth Pregnancy

OSX VirtualBox virtualizes Windows

The recently released beta version of VirtualBox 2.3 offers, according to the changelog the possibility of OSX on Windows to . virtualize

Wedding Welcome Flex Board Designs

iPad waiting on the pad

The iPad is already since Saturday's Customs .... We'll see how long it takes to report the colleague to: (

schonmal Meanwhile I have with my two "favorite China-men" a little iPad Accessories, including various pockets / sleeves, a cover and a screen protector, appointed.

Then, when time finally arrives everything I write what about this:)

Friday, April 23, 2010

How To Fill A Jeep Cherokee

road? My Palm comes pre

time look what will happen to me since:)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Discount Track Spikes

So now it is

again to the point that I am just itching to have to write everything again. And just as it was the last time the case, it is to write either the reason that it feels incredibly good, or it just a badly. In contrast to the earlier writings, it should go, and I very much the main reason is one of just makes me sad.

A week ago I had my last working day of Coface in Mainz.

In Sebastian I'm on 02/01/2010 pulled Kraiburg am Inn (Bayern). And Zack, I have my life back again to 500 km laid. In itself, indeed a beautiful thing. Especially since I had since no longer own apartment in Mainz and I was really happy at all to something new.

New Everything:

New area - very quiet: o)

New apartment - 110 sqm

New work - even as a department head

Actually, everything great.


now it's up to my parents and grandparents of 915 km.

Thus So we come to my main motive here once again to write down everything:

Just in time for my final move came the call from my parents that my grandmother had come to the hospital because she was to undergo surgery. No big deal. So far so good. Everything went smoothly - the Omi back to the home Opi.

go a few days later, Omi back to the doctor, which she sent to hospital with suspected thrombosis. The hospital Omi sent back home by saying they have nothing. The next day Grandma goes back to the doctor so. The doctor sends Omi now in another hospital. Omi is kept in the hospital, so that cured thrombosis can be. 2 days later - today - I get the call from my Dad who told me that Grandma probably has a tumor and this has probably already spread - as it looks.

Omi is now more properly the next day, take a close look so you can help her and tidy notes for what she has now actually.

And now we come to the question of conscience.

I just leave remaining before I start in the new company.

must prepare myself properly on my new job.

Will take at least half a year holiday.

Did my grandparents for the last time on 1 Advent seen.

What now?

Go there to 900 km although I can change anything anyway?

But who knows what comes next? And now I still have the opportunity to drive high.

'm somewhat stumped.

Next door in the living room sits Sebastian and looks to the children (Hanna, Aisha and Selina) film.

Everything seems like it should.

Aber ich habe das Gefühl, dass alles Glück was ich gerade habe und erhalte bei anderen einbricht.




Und ist das Leben wirklich so berechnend im Gegensatz des Gegenübers?


Warum scheint es so, also wäre einem ein reines Glück nicht vergönnt?


Und wer kann mir Antwort darauf geben?


Heute Morgen habe ich noch rumgezickt, weil ich der Meinung war, dass sich Sebastian nicht genug um mich kümmert im Bett. And now I belächle myself, because I believe the other hand, my family and myself how I could put the priorities in my life and stuff? Why me such invalidity appears suddenly so important, but where I seem to have just everything I ever wanted. Actually, I should be happy. Actually.

Actually, I should have had an incredibly happy day my father came to the call.

Actually, we should now have 20 degrees. The best day of the week. And in fact it was cloudy, cool and disgusting.

us, is there perhaps someone?

My personal guess is yes, it really is anyone out there.

No God in the true sense.

Someone of you has even been close. Someone who knows you. The means well with you. Someone who has gone from one to the left is no longer to watch out from above you and watch over you.

A very personal guardian angel so to speak. Can it be?

I think it is with me my grandpa.

The Opi, the has always been my career to one side. Has enabled me everything - even the most professional large jump where I myself was always amazed that these jumps in me.

Why is my life just so perfect and I feel so bad to my family? Why?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ap Bio Lab 4 Responses

on Friday

My Palm Pre bargain of the weekend is probably on Friday. Am very excited about the device and webOS 1.4.
faith aber nicht das der Pre mein iPhone ersetzen könnte.